Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [prep] time when " in BNC.

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1 They are times when the behaviour of an animal is uncertain ; which is just the kind of time when other animals will want information about what it is going to do .
2 Okay , so he was a porter , low man in the hierarchy , but this was the kind of time when the barriers went down and he did n't have to wear a label .
3 Wigan 's New Zealand captain , Bell , now playing as well as ever in his long career , scored two tries , the last bringing the house down on the stroke of time when he raced from halfway before touching down …
4 So why do we need to formalize these arrangements , why rock the boat at time when the political climate is ?
5 In Leaf v International Galleries , Denning LJ ( as he then was ) expressed the view that the right to rescind for misrepresentation can not survive beyond the point of time when a right to reject for breach of condition is lost .
6 Cash accounting , accruals accounting and commitment accounting are distinguished from each other by the point in time when expenses and revenues are recognized in the accounts , i.e. the point at which a given transaction generates a bookkeeping entry .
7 The cost is incurred at the point in time when the plant is built .
8 The period of time when acceptance becomes possible seems to link in with the first anniversary of events .
9 In the fullness of time when products are superseded , module versions may no longer be required and consequently may no longer need to be retained in magnetic form .
10 ‘ It is natural for men to tell tales , and I suppose the short story was created in the night of time when the hunter , to beguile the leisure of his fellows when they had eaten and drunk their fill , narrated by the cavern fire some fantastic incident he had hear of . ’
11 It seems almost like the beginning of time when visitors to Welford Road first saw dear old Dusty tee up the ball , meticulously pace his couple of steps back and sideways , pause , take a deep breath , glance at the target and then , slick as clockwork , sidle up and caress the ball between the posts .
12 To consider that matter at a point of time when the child has been placed under protection for several weeks , first by a place of safety order and then by one or more interim care orders , would , as pointed out by Bush J. in M. v. Westminster City Council [ 1985 ] F.L.R. 325 , 340 , defeat the purpose of Parliament .
13 Narrative identification … is being rejected … at a point in time when gays can claim they still have not had it .
14 Was there a point in time when your sound actually clicked ?
15 Rather than identify a point in time when some separation was effected , it is more constructive to locate successive shifts in the degree of subordination and the grounds of differentiation .
16 The clinical interview provided information about the severity and diagnosis of disorders , but also enabled researchers to measure onset and course using a concept of change-points : a point in time when an increase or decrease in the number of symptoms led to a noticeable change in a woman 's psychiatric state .
17 I think that the competition will continue to increase , I mean this is not an industry where one has a soft trick and a lie down as we used to say in shipbuilding , I mean it really is a grind and a slog , and I think it 's important for all of our employees to understand that er there never will come a point in time when we can say ‘ right we 've got that done , we can lie back ’ .
18 Here the bargaining stage has given way to a period of time when you feel it is just not possible to cope with the situation and the future looks bleak .
19 Captive-bred Pretty Tetras , have a much more brighter colouration than wild-caught specimens , the latter of which tend to lose this brightness over a period of time when kept in an aquarium .
20 Well when they put the flats up , I mean they could n't keep pets , and they had n't got a garden , and there was a period of time when er we were rather concerned .
21 In the early part of 1991 , before all this occurred , I went through a period of time when my find rate dropped drastically and on many occasions I went out and came back home with nothing at all .
22 The thing that annoyed him most was that this was all such a waste of time when there was work to do .
23 It 's such a waste of time when they could be tracking down criminals amount of time .
24 There is always a moment in time when we can make a decision whether or not to vent our anger .
25 It occurred at a moment in time when reading represented the chief leisure activity , apart from sex and drinking , for the British population .
26 Oldham did not threaten until a minute from time when Ian Olney looked as though he had equalised .
27 Instead of having to come home from work and worry about wrapping up the Christmas presents , or writing letters to friends , or having a long conversation with someone in the family who needs a bit of support , and fitting all that in after the children have gone to bed and the supper 's been washed up and you really ought to be reading papers for tomorrow 's meeting , I know I have a chunk of time when I can get on with doing all that .
28 He was smuggled out of the Scotland camp but it was only a matter of time when his pursuers caught up .
29 And it was only a matter of time when the truth came out .
30 Perdita and Trace had detested each other on sight and , together with Randy , Trace spent a lot of time when they were n't screwing , winding Perdita up .
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