Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [noun] [adv] an " in BNC.

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1 To combat the opposite extreme of jerry-building , we would make membership of the Housebuilders ' Registration Council 's register compulsory upon all contractors for local authority houses , with a view to rendering the building industry eventually an industry subject throughout to publicly-approved standards .
2 It is difficult , therefore , to conceptualize in any rigorous way the embedding of junctions for if we define the continuum using the topological neighbours of the origin junction then an equally valid interpenetrating continuum may be defined by using the spatial neighbours and their topological neighbours .
3 So empty and undisturbed you could n't imagine the bustle of the lunch party only an hour before .
4 Her uncertain temper made a trip to the Colony Room always an adventure .
5 The Hotel Caruso once an 11th century palace
6 The officer 's mess is a simple operation outside the prison gates where an appointed officer prepares meals for his colleagues .
7 Fifa is also considering a rule change whereby an attacker level with the last defender would not be offside .
8 Dad was awoken by a telephone call about an hour later , around five-thirty .
9 You are preparing a management report not an encyclopaedia .
10 Apart from creating a catastrophe point where an extra per cent of votes can theoretically send a party from 15 to 66 per cent of the council ( the French have never been comfortable with simple democracy ) this , also theoretically , gives minority parties a voice .
11 While I appreciate that you are quoting the system Inventor 's personal opinion I feel it is irresponsible to say that freeze branding spoils a horse/pony 's looks , especially as the item is in the format of a News Review not an advertisement .
12 If a man drinks only an alcohol made from paint or varnish or polish or acetone then he will dream of vodka .
13 One Olympic athlete broke a world record only an hour after intercourse and a British athlete ran a four-minute mile just ninety minutes after getting down to it .
14 If the CAD system has a lighting algorithm then an apparent light source can be used to change the position and intensity of highlight and shadow detail .
15 The root cause of the Comet aircraft disasters was a rivet hole perhaps an eighth of an inch in diameter .
16 Because they 're becoming so obscure now , that they 're becoming an e exercise in erm obscures or obscurity or whatever in the same way into the same appalling state as the annual report disease is becoming a design competition not an annual report presentation of financial figures .
17 And even if the signature is original it would only be of value to an autograph hunter not an art collector .
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