Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [verb] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe P and Q and R behave alike , but there may be times when the algorithm folds a set { P , Q , R } where , say , Q sometimes occurs in a context which never contains P or R. The algorithm looks for any context which contains some of X 's children but not the others .
2 But if voters have voted for a successful candidate why should some of them — just which , we shall examine later — be given the opportunity to vote for another candidate ?
3 ‘ Importance is attached to the principle that a shareholder should be able to protect his proportion of the total equity by having the opportunity to subscribe for any new issue for cash of equity capital or securities having an equity element . ’
4 Some of the stimulus for this came from a survey of senior medical students , yet when 30 current house officers were consulted all but two said that , though they would be happy to have the opportunity to apply for both jobs at one hospital , they would not have applied for a one year block contract that restricted them to one hospital .
5 As it was , the chantry duties of the guilds had been in steady decline since the early fifteenth century , so that by 1547 the majority had for many years been looked upon as burial societies .
6 Campaigners living near the base called for all flights to be suspended pending an investigation but a spokesman said operations would continue as normal .
7 The provision made for those moving from region to region is limited and most have to rejoin the waiting list .
8 In early 1991 the Radioactive Waste Management Advisory Committee ( RWMAC ) had urged the government to set up an independent consultative service for the " small users " of radioactive material , since H.M. Inspectorate of Pollution was not able to provide the support required for such a service .
9 How much does the retailer pay for each packet of crisps ?
10 The board applied for that order to be set aside on the ground that there was no jurisdiction to make it .
11 The directorate searched for some method , other than a quick fix-it , which would draw the business into acceptable profitability and then develop that position .
12 The shell used for this decorative work was probably the oyster-like Spondylus gaederopus , which is native to the Aegean .
13 The pastry topping for this dish is similar to a scone mixture and provides a nice contrast to the base .
14 The Browns are pleased they 'll have the money to pay for all Eleanor 's special needs , like school bills of 23,000 pounds a year .
15 I have not the money to pay for any hotel room — ah , how expensive London hotels are , is n't it so ? ’
16 Can you see that maybe , if at some time in the future , you do have er , some bad health , or perhaps get involved in an accident , that after a period of time , it might be difficult to actually find the money to pay for this plan we 're establishing tonight ?
17 I have never before had the privilege to work for such an environmentally-conscious , safe , dynamic and forward-thinking company .
18 The principal strengths of the human information processing system lie in its ability to make selective use of available visual cues and to utilise an understanding of the text to compensate for any degradation or ambiguity within the visual stimulus .
19 He said that he would be visiting the Eyas offices within the hour to settle for these shares in person .
20 One man in Düsseldorf allegedly remarked , even in the presence of a member of the SS , that ‘ we have the Führer to thank for this ’ .
21 The want felt for such an organization for the promotion of their intellectual , social , moral , temporal and spiritual welfare is very great ; there is a wide field of usefulness for the proposed union .
22 A number of arguments have been presented in the literature to account for this .
23 Nevertheless , whenever we feel out of sorts , tired , sick of ourselves and others and in need of ‘ restoration ’ ( origin of the word restaurant ) , it 's more than likely we will head for the kitchen hoping for some well-known and trusted food from our past .
24 The uproar in the kitchen continued for some time while Nanny pressed his face against her coat and added her own voice to the tumult .
25 Despite the notes , and the polaroids made by Farwaggi in his anteroom , and the trays of fruit , club sandwiches , croques and so on — the cheerfully arranged amuse-gueules from the kitchen ordered for each girl — he finds he is becoming confused about their identities .
26 The firing continued for another hour , and I moved quietly through the trees to the shore .
27 The fireball that came with the flash lasted for half a second and enveloped the whole stumbling figure .
28 The other one erm is within the university itself because we do have a support organisation here for teaching within the university , and it is possible for groups of teachers in any part of the university to ask for some help and support in looking at one of the courses they 're involved in teaching .
29 The price the user pays for this approach is not just financial , programs of this type require large amounts of memory and hard disk systems to operate properly .
30 Taking care not to scratch his hands on the holding spikes , he rummaged through the weed feeling for that spasm of movement which would indicate a dying fish .
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