Example sentences of "[art] [num] [conj] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Having gone down with the monarchy in the 1640s and learnt from that experience that its fortunes were closely dependent on those of the crown , the established church was more than ever determined to shore up the monarchy as a means of guaranteeing its own survival .
2 A labourer 's cottage that still stands at the edge of the former wood was a one bay dwelling , open to the rafters , built by John Hughes in the 1580s and enlarged by the Hanmers during the seventeenth century .
3 Built in the 1740s and housed in the only remaining Gothic interior in the city , it 's now electronically operated and can imitate anything from bagpipes to a brass band .
4 He first started in the 1940s while stationed as an army draftsman in London , and from 1966 to 1988 made annual return visits , establishing relationships with Agnew 's , Jeremy Drummond , J.S. Maas and others .
5 Practical criticism , Cambridge-style , crossed the Atlantic in the 1940s and returned after 1945 under the name of the American New Criticism ; to be emulated in 1955 in Interpretations , a collection of analytical essays by various hands edited by John Wain .
6 Jiaozi — meat dumplings made of chopped pork , cabbage , salt , ginger and pepper in a thin wrapper of dough — are prepared by the thousand and dipped in soy sauce before being eaten as appetisers .
7 The station in Kowloon was demolished in the 1970s and replaced by a soulless concrete and glass structure on reclaimed land at Hung Hom , opened in 1973 .
8 On July 3 Ibrahim Böhme , who briefly led the East German Social Democrats ( SPD ) in early 1990 [ see pp. 37260 ; 37302 ] , was excluded from the party in the face of " overwhelming evidence " that he had joined the Stasi in the 1970s and informed on the re-formed SPD from 1989 .
9 What you can not turn to with such pride is BR 's printed timetable , which changed format several times during the eighties and ended as a poor thing , well below continental standards .
10 Mother 's success was due in some part to her brother , my uncle , Charles Chipchase , who went to London in the 1920s and got into conversation with a newspaper reporter .
11 Francis Scaife died in the 1920s and left to Pocklington monies towards the building of a swimming pool , which turned from a dream into a reality in the 1960s through the legacy and much fundraising .
12 Renault feel comfortable with the hatched style that they started with the 16 and developed into a smooth aerodynamic shape with the 25 .
13 The two leaders expressed enthusiasm in developing closer ties between their countries during the 1990s and referred to the Malta summit in December 1989 [ see pp. 37110-12 ] as a turning point in their relations and in the disarmament talks .
14 There are numerous picturesque villages , ruined abbeys , and historic houses within easy driving distance , including Sledmere House which was built in the 1750s and rebuilt after a devastating fire , using the original plans , in 1911 .
15 Whereas Duke 's challenge was reminiscent of the four presidential bids between 1964 and 1976 by the racist Alabama governor George Wallace , Buchanan 's campaign contained older resonances of the isolationist movement of the 1930s as championed by Charles Lindbergh .
16 Day nursery provision by local authorities was strictly limited in the 1930s and charged for , as a result of the cuts in local spending introduced as part of the National government 's economy drive , but when the Second World War came and women were to be mobilised in large numbers for the war effort , the government gave local authorities a 100-per-cent grant to cover the costs of day nurseries , merely charging parents for the cost of food served to the children .
17 He , like Alavi , notes the parallel between contemporary politics in the post-colonial state and politics in the France of the 1850s as described by Marx in The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte .
18 Almost midway between the two and marked on the map as " Chapel ( remains of ) " is the ruined church of a settlement of Knights Templars , a military organisation formed to protect pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land .
19 The original stained glass window was destroyed by vandals in the 1960s and replaced by a plain glass one .
20 The great anti-Establishment provocateur of the Sixties now reduced to a gibbering wreck ?
21 Place three needles in a row to tuck and one needle to knit , rather than the four as shown in the card .
22 As with regional policy , labour mobility policy was left to decline during the 1950s and improved in the late 1950s , when the economic situation was beginning to worsen .
23 For the boat , now called Spirit of Scotland , is none other than the vessel built in this region in the 1980s and launched under the name Spirit of Merseyside .
24 Poor Owen Rowlands , the first-day leader , had slumped to a 76 and dropped to sixth place .
25 Twelve months ago Jamie Spence trailed Colin Montgomerie by ten with a round to go , fired a 60 and won in a play-off .
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