Example sentences of "[art] [num] [conj] [adj] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 Both the YC-5 and YC-6 can be used for double bed knitting .
2 The enthusiasm of the sixties ( it was not just naivety ) would have held that education should lead the whole process , while the cynicism of the seventies and eighties would have us believe that education , that is schools at any rate , can do no more than mirror the society of which they are part .
3 " A poem should not mean but be " was Archibald MacLeish' extreme statement of this position , and the strength of monism in the 1940s and 1950s can be gauged from Wimsatt 's pronouncement : It is hardly necessary to adduce proof that the doctrine of identity of style and meaning is today firmly established .
4 Next year Mario Merz and Brassai 's photographs from the 1940s and '50s will be shown .
5 The manager has been quoted as saying that the parents who wore Pakamacs in the fifties and sixties will buy them for their children .
6 Czechs in Cleveland to learn how to cope with job losses WAYS in which the North-East came through the industrial upheaval of the '70s and '80s could prove an invaluable blueprint for revival for the people of Czechoslovakia .
7 Not until the 1920s and 1930s could a real clearance be made of this formidable mess , and a newer Nottingham begin to appear out of it .
8 But I have a sneaking feeling that in another five years ' time I 'll be reviewing the GR-100 and that will be the one …
9 It seems extraordinary to today 's parents in England and the United States that women of the twenties and thirties should have been prepared to accept either the content of these pronouncements or the authoritarian tone in which they were made ; yet accepted they were , in that innumerable women made valiant efforts to stifle their natural desire to cuddle their babies and to feed them when they were hungry , or were wracked with guilt and shame when they ‘ mawkishly ’ rocked the child or sentimentally eased his stomach pangs in the small hours with a contraband couple of ounces .
10 No wonder that comparisons between questionnaires on attitudes and direct observations of behaviour have produced few significant results : in one study , for example , there were fewer correlations between the two than one would expect by chance !
11 So that must be the hundred and that must be the eighty .
12 For example , Bracey ( 1958 ) in a study of 375 Somerset parishes found that , in general , the more remote and less well serviced parishes were those with the worst and most persistent depopulation , and findings like this only encouraged the further development of theories of settlement concentration in the 1960s although these can also be traced back as far as 1918 , when Peake ( 1918 ) advocated equally-spaced villages with populations of between 1,000 and 1,500 people .
13 The errors we made in the 1960s and 1970s can , and are , being corrected .
14 The industrial relations problems of the docks in the 1950s and 1960s could , in the eyes of many commentators , be ascribed to the institution of casual working and the ( ultimately successful ) attempts by the trade unions to replace it with a system of regular employment for dock labourers ( see Wilson , 1972 ) .
15 The philosophical aspects of general systems theory that von Bertalanffy published in papers and books in the 1950s and 1960s could be approached using cybernetics .
16 For although the 1950s and '60s may have seen the homogenization and ‘ nationalization ’ of local politics , before this period the merging of local and national political activity was the exception rather than the rule .
17 Each week , a comedian from the '50s or '60s would be wheeled in for cameo relief ( eg Jimmy Jewel , Peggy Mount , Arthur English ) as a cantankerous alcoholic old patient , and you were guaranteed one horrifying accident per 60 minutes .
18 You can alter that to a hundred and eleven ca n't you ?
19 A hundred and fifty will go at Mattessons Walls headquarters in Banbury .
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