Example sentences of "[art] [adj] man [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 So the normal man in the street wo n't see a great deal until very much nearer the time when it opens next spring .
2 The new Council was appointed on 26th September , and from that date on General Aung San was the right-hand man of the Governor and the hope of the whole nation .
3 Recalling going into Kyle , while I was at Stromefirry-nofirry , and remembering that nightmare vision of the burned-black man after the blevey — Sir Rufus with his black bones , black nails , black wood and his black jaw hinged back and very much a dental-records job — and thinking , How did they identify Andy ?
4 One of the uniformed men on the ground spoke into his radio , looking up .
5 Kirtana was regarded as the poorest man in the village — but he was fiercely proud and once he had lost his land still refused to work on someone else 's .
6 He is still the poorest man in the village .
7 The so-called Aragonese party ( led by the strong man of the military aristocracy , Aranda , who came to power in 1766 ) may , perhaps , be seen as a belated attempt to recover power , at a moment of crisis for the king , from the hands of professional civil servants .
8 Finally the Swindon Gym and Fitness centre is where you 'll find one of the strong men of the British olympic team .
9 Since then Gilford has nursed an ambition to become a major figure in the game and has proved one of the strong men on the PGA European tour .
10 But he followed the tall man into the other bedroom .
11 A harsh voice that Connelly recognized as belonging to the tall man with the dark , close-cropped hair .
12 She was almost certain it would be the tall man with the unseasonal yellow gloves with pearl buttons , so personable and well-spoken , who bore the name of a well-known apéritif .
13 Simon Cormack stared in amazement at the tall man near the door , his raincoat half-open , holding up a clothes-peg in his left hand .
14 My father was the sweetest man in the world and there was nothing I could fight him for , or do against him , or he against me , because nothing was said that I did n't agree with , or he did n't agree with , because I was a very easy child .
15 The chatty man on the phone had suggested : ‘ You can tell me what you think about the redecorations ’ .
16 The fifty men on the shore , whose shields were not now familiar at all , were in the water before anyone else , and started boarding .
17 With that he kicked the moaning man on the thigh , then leaned towards him — and spat on his face .
18 One of the plates caught Marie 's eyes : ‘ TO THE GREATEST MAN IN THE WORLD , ’ it said .
19 The marriage which he contemplated for Matilda was with one of the most powerful of the new barons of the Conqueror , Count Alan Rufus , lord of Richmond , who for twenty-five years had been the greatest man in the north of England and one of the most constant witnesses of English royal charters : a central character , therefore , in the government of England , but a potential menace in the semi-conquered North .
20 I would wear rags and live upon rye bread and water rather than be a harlot to the greatest man in the world .
21 By his intimate connection with the greatest men of the day in the medical profession , he obtained for his pupils the privilege of their teaching free of expense , and thus it is that a considerable number in the ranks of our profession are pupils of Abernethy , Astley Cooper , Charles Bell , Brodie , Faraday and Brand .
22 PC Chandler ‘ phoned his station in Valpy Street , and called for an ambulance to take the wounded man to the Royal Berkshire Hospital .
23 Also , and perhaps to a greater extent , a man is what he has smelt : later in the novel Raskolnikov gives the police-station smell as the reason for the suspicious circumstance of his fainting , which is neither the whole truth nor a straight lie but the blending of the guilty man with the Poison of the city .
24 Doreen puts her youthful zest down to the fact that she met ‘ the right man at the right time ’ .
25 He had left in 1979 , when he felt he was no longer the right man for the job , and the Honourable Edward Adeane had replaced him .
26 Election Comment : Not the right man for the job
27 ‘ He was the right man for the job . ’
28 Dr King believes it does in the sense that it needs change , and by offering that Clinton is the right man for the job .
29 Two years ago he was clearly the right man for the job — now few would support that motion .
30 The question is whether he is the right man for the sensitive media liaison portfolio .
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