Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [coord] it does " in BNC.

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1 The final option , fitting your own hard disk , is definitely the cheapest but it does need some skill with a screw driver .
2 I do n't know whether this will be acceptable to Policy and Resources Committee or the Council at the end of the day , but essentially what is showing there is something that , taken over the three years meets er , a figure equivalent to the annual but it does n't do it uniformly over the three years .
3 On the outside but it does n't stop the light
4 ‘ It 's all the same , my son , all the same and it does you no good in the end . ’
5 Well what I know the answer is is to say do n't worry be concerned but do n't worry because worrying does n't do you no good , it does n't do the condition no good and it does n't do everybody else any good either because they just say oh she 's you know what she is , depressed by whatever it is and that 's , as it were , objectively logical but wh wh what seems to me to be the absolutely overwhelming is to say he 's not worried , he 's desperately concerned , he 's more concerned than humans can possibly be but if god is n't worried , what on earth are we burning up our resources worrying about because if he 's not worried concerned yes , but he 's not worried .
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