Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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31 From the point of view of the people of the Gorbals in the Thirties , fox-hunting and psychoanalysis would have been practically indistinguishable concerns of the rich in the Sassenach South , of the ‘ high heid yins ’ of the world — an expression of the poor in Scotland then , which Ralph Glasser uses .
32 I pointed out that there was already a huge reservoir of infection amongst the 18 to 25-year-olds here and in the United States , simply because straight youths were not changing their habits .
33 Yes I leave on the eleventh of March so can we have it on the eight of March ?
34 Right , er next evening we settle the thirteenth of September then ?
35 Good Friday is the thirteenth of May so it 's not too bad .
36 The May Day Bank Holiday weekend , always a quieter affair , saw the 0-6-0 in service again , with the opportunity to have rides in the Centre 's two LMS brakevans , reviving a regular feature from earlier days at the Centre , when the two ‘ Queen Marys ’ performed as passenger carriers on many steam days .
37 I 'd heard that American Music Club were something wonderful , but when I saw them at the Grand in Clapham recently , I was n't that impressed .
38 birthday was on the eighth of September or before , if it was in the summer holidays or up until the eighth of September , you could leave school and my birthday was the eighth of September so I left school at fourteen .
39 Get the three-pound-fifty off Mummy please cos I wan na give the money to Angela to put away for me .
40 The Government 's own Department of Development Aid has apparently been so devious that the judge investigating the billions of Rand evidently missing or misappropriated , which should have gone towards assisting the poorer ( black ) communities , has thrown in the towel when faced by the department 's shambolic accounting .
41 If a free kick is kicked on the full into touch then the lineout is back opposite the original mark for the free kick .
42 Today the two teams end the Eighties in opposition again and , to mark the occasion , fans of both teams have got together in a spirit of goodwill and charity .
43 What so it 's the fourth of May now ?
44 The liberal-democratic constitution is seen as the only context and as the be-all-and-end-all of things so that the economic and societal context of power and the constraints which this imposes on Cabinet and Prime Minister alike are outside of the framework of serious consideration .
45 I HAVE listened with great interest to those voices who do n't want the ‘ South African tour rebels ' ’ ban to be lifted , and it is clear to me that many of them are not expressing these views out of a sense of justice or respect for the millions of blacks still suffering in South Africa .
46 She tried joining her mind to the millions of people everywhere glued to screens for this all important match but all she could see was Colm 's pudgy little legs swinging backwards and forwards and the grim look on his face as she washed away the crusted blood .
47 ten and a half thousand from the first of July onwards for this year .
48 I mean would n't you be absolutely pig sick of them by the first of December never mind christmas .
49 from the first of March like .
50 But I paid for the first of March so I 've lost li literally fourteen days have n't
51 I know it always used to be the first of April though .
52 The only point I felt w you know we mentioned the other day that if , if there 's a rise say on the first of April then you wan na get in a couple of months before then .
53 Erm , we 've got to send this off before the first of November though .
54 It is the first of June tomorrow , yes .
55 The date is the 25th of August 1992AD , the time is 20:30 and 5 seconds , no 18 seconds , no 32 seconds , oh forget it .
56 Although it is common practice to distinguish what Henry Sweet called ‘ form-words ’ as distinct from ‘ full words ’ and to locate the former in grammar rather than lexis , it has to be noted that these ‘ form-words ’ have emerged over time from full-blown lexical sources , and for the most part still have recognizable kin which show clear signs of the relationship .
57 In 1739 Woodrop and Colquhoun precipitated a minor crisis by refusing to tolerate Weir 's absenteeism any longer , and the former in fact greatly alarmed James Graham by threatening to resign .
58 Goals from John Aldrigde ( four minutes ) and Alan Kernaghan ( 25 ) put the Irish in command early on .
59 They act as though no sexy young woman has ever trod those cobbled streets before , although the nubile daughter of the drunken town bully ( Peter Vaughan ) walks around in the mini-est of mini-skirts especially catching the eye of the long-haired village idiot ( David Warner ) , who has already molested young girls .
60 Parties are n't the same with parents there — they do clip one 's wings somewhat .
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