Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [adj] [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Director Penny Marshall , who made the joyous Big and the very moving Awakenings , has crammed as many cliches as is possible into this feel-good little film .
2 Wally , Wally I 'm sorry to interrupt you , colleagues , you 're starting to babble a bit , I know you all want to get to the European Fair and the wine and the cheese and all that sort of thing just bear with us for about ten minutes .
3 Colleagues , we must not forget the low paid and the part-time workers , the majority of whom are women .
4 What this is Mr Mayor an attempt by the Conservatives to create ghettos , to create ghettos for the unemployed and the low paid and the forthcoming victims of your leader 's welfare schemes I think is the likely likelihood of this .
5 The Døle , now extinct , was a dairy breed with two colour varieties , the dark-brown Gudbrandsdal and the black Østerdal , and a good proportion of the breed showed a tan-coloured dorsal stripe or a recessive grey-dun colouring .
6 Among other notable wins are the Nigerian Open and the Southern Professionals .
7 Now , who 's going to release the complete Sly And The Family Stone at Woodstock set ?
8 If you are the victim of a burglary , the value of the property that has been stolen might be large or small , but the emotional upset and the feeling that someone else has been in your home can live with you for a long time .
9 ‘ the political obstacles to advance within the practices of the Labour Left and the labour movement itself ; … broadening the base of mass support , creating institutions and organisations which extend the socialist movement beyond the minority of organised labour ; … fighting for specific reforms in the organisation of capital that will create new positions of struggle and control for working people ( limitations of shareholders ’ and managements ' powers , workers ' representation etc. ) and fighting for reforms in non-commodity areas such as health , education , and welfare that introduce elements of popular administration and control ’ ( Cutler et al . ,
10 At the end of Precambrian times , one can not but be impressed by the similarities of deposits such as the Eocambrian of Greenland , the Swedish Jotnian , the Scottish Torridonian and the French Brioverian .
11 On the handle are three bodies of animals he overcame , the Nemean Lion , the Keryneian hind and the Erymanthian boar , and at the base , the tree with the Golden Apples , two of the Stymphalian birds and the Lernaean Hydra .
12 Apart from entrepreneurs , powerful members of the Honduran military and the ruling Nationalist party are large investors along with Ecuadorian and US multinational interests .
13 In a way that is all too typical of both the English Left and the English lesbian and gay movement , Positive Images failed to draw on the parallel developments around local government funding of lesbian and gay projects in the USA .
14 They found they could explain all the experimental data on neutral weak currents by assuming quantum mixing between the electromagnetic current and the neutral weak current .
15 Six wide archways opened on to the sea , affording all diners uninterrupted views of the shimmering Caribbean and the powder beach below .
16 The third seed was beaten in four sets by the 18th-ranked Czech and the highly-rated Swede was forced to admit : ‘ It was one of those days . ’
17 Needless to say , she had never been in a sports car before , and to be speeding and curving through the streets with the top open and the balmy August breeze combing silkily through her fine hair was sheer heaven .
18 In 1965 Lyndon Johnson told Congress that ‘ If we stand passively by while the centre of each city becomes a hive of deprivation , crime and hopelessness … if we become two people , the suburban affluent and the urban poor , each filled with mistrust and fear for the other … then we shall effectively cripple each generation to come . ’
19 As the light increased and the sun rose , a cry ran over the ship .
20 He made her tea and sat holding her hand until the light faded and the lamps in the street were lit , shedding a faint light into the room .
21 " We 'll get it right now though , " he said to himself as he ascended through the castle 's twisted interior , and the light faded and the cold grew more sharp , and he gathered his furs more closely around him .
22 This was the theory that it kept a Long Kesh compound filled with loyalists as a propaganda exercise to impress observers outside Ulster that it was acting impartially towards both the British loyalist and the Irish republican community .
23 By way of comparison , both the British left and the German right have been well mapped in terms of their social constituencies , the social geography of their electoral support , and their organizational structures .
24 In this sense the growing dissolution of the category is also part of the collapse of older certainties and polarities of the British left and the emergence of concerns around socialist pluralism ( Rust in , 1985 ; Keane , 1988 ) .
25 As we can see , the British parliamentary and the American presidential systems work in very different ways .
26 Robert Owen is not to be understood at all except as a man of his time , of the French Political and the British Industrial Revolutions ; nor fully to be understood except as a man of the first stage of the Industrial Revolution .
27 These institutions provide two-way streets between the organised left and the communities/ identities they seek to represent .
28 It 's the old dying and the new taking it 's place , that 's what Jesus is talking about with his new birth !
29 The difference between the old Keynesian and the new Keynesian approaches arises from the latter 's retention , albeit in radically modified form , of the notion of an equilibrium unemployment rate , and the former 's wholesale rejection of the usefulness of the NAIRU concept .
30 In reality both the social anthropological and the psychiatric ( or psychological ) approaches are mutually helpful and necessary if we are to achieve a balanced perspective on man as a sentient being .
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