Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] for [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The total cost for installing and running the system this year is £19,428 and then £1,500 a year after that .
2 Remember that the total cost for buying and selling includes :
3 On the basis of Professor Jeffery 's figures , the total bill for building all seven AGRs will have been £15 billion , well in excess of their expectation , and prompting their description as ‘ the largest loss making civil project ever undertaken in the UK ’ .
4 The major problems include the definition of the normal range for fasting cholesterol and triglyceride , failure to divide diabetics into appropriate insulin- or non-insulin-dependent categories , and also the inclusion of newly diagnosed diabetics together with those with long-established disease .
5 Hence they do not always strike last in hand-to-hand combat — the normal penalty for using two-handed weapons .
6 Japan 's payment of tribute had lapsed long before the modern period , and such payments had ceased to be the normal basis for trading contacts , but the tribute system and the superior — inferior relationship upon which it was premised remained the basic concept behind the conduct of formal relations between countries .
7 The normal reason for accepting a piece of advice is that it is likely to be sound advice .
8 On the contrary , they would have the normal reason for disregarding any belief or information on that score : that the law is the law and must be followed , no matter how unpopular it might be in the present climate of political opinion .
9 These assumptions represent the prevailing convention for expressing capital costs in the National Health Service .
10 In view of the Korean love for fighting , although we have no proof it is safe to assume that some of the North Korean attacks are in retaliation of South Korean attacks .
11 Mr no doubt of what is said to be the divine preference for called three .
12 Keep to the rules of the three-stage strategy for resolving anger and conflict outlined earlier .
13 Will the Minister explain why , if the Environmental Protection Act 1990 is so wonderful , the Government are being dragged to the European Court for failing to comply with Community legislation on water standards and air pollution control ?
14 They will have travelled wider , and taken the European dimension for granted in their lives .
15 But they 've gone along with it without recognising that there will be a cost and members opposite have consistently criticised the European parliament for having a number of buildings from which to operate .
16 The European programme for completing the Single European Market by the end of 1992 has raised a number of questions about the labour market .
17 I am glad to join my hon. Friend in congratulating those local people who have argued the strong case for ensuring that the hospital facilities at that building continue to be provided to the people of Ely .
18 Three months before the due date for setting down the court will issue reminder cards to parties in live cases stating the date by which their case is due to be set down .
19 A fourth and perhaps the largest reason for attending to causation is that we do well to avoid the general conceptual uncertainty that must be part of an inquiry which leaves undefined any of its fundamental ideas which are open to definition .
20 Notwithstanding the possible ground for distinguishing between the two cases , therefore , there remains a fundamental doubt as to just how much policy innovation can reasonably be expected from the British judiciary especially in such a politically sensitive area as defence policy .
21 Telephone advice work , often regarded as difficult , has to be tackled and the possible need for follow up with a home visit puts additional strain on rural bureaux .
22 The sole qualification for obtaining a vehicle is that you receive mobility supplement for a long enough period to cover the length of the agreement .
23 These doctors frequently have the sole responsibility for assessing the needs of patients who are brought to hospitals , for instance to casualty wards , in the middle of the night .
24 In residential units shift teams should be appropriately balanced and specific members of staff should not have the sole responsibility for employing physical restraint .
25 ‘ Academic ability is not the sole criterion for allocating funds .
26 We do not believe that the status of firm contracts with third parties should be the sole criterion for obtaining transitional relief , ’ he added .
27 Thus age should not be the sole criterion for withholding aggressive treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in older patients .
28 Hua 's ‘ two whatevers ’ policy seemed doomed as the important article , ‘ Practice is the Sole Criterion for Testing Truth ’ , was published in May 1978 .
29 In subsequent proceedings for false imprisonment , it was admitted that the sole reason for arresting her was the constable 's opinion that ‘ police inquiries were more likely to be fruitful in clearing up the case if Mrs. Mohammed-Holgate were compelled to go to the police station to be questioned there ’ .
30 No , the sole reason for changing one 's mind was that the newspapers and television told one that lots of other people had done so .
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