Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] give [prep] " in BNC.

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1 General warnings are usually given , but often as part of the introductory briefing given to holidaymakers on their arrival .
2 We can calculate their relative preference for the Conservatives on the unemployment issue as C/ ( C+L+A ) , that is , as the mark given to the Conservatives expressed as a proportion of the total mark given to all three parties ( or multiplied by 100 to transform it from a proportion into a percentage ) .
3 The solution of Einstein 's equation in this case is the Oppenheimer-Volkoff equation : where M is the total mass given by .
4 On the broad definition given by Richard Swift ( Reaching for certainty NI 210 ) , fundamentalism can mean almost anything .
5 This was brought home to me after witnessing the rapturous welcome given to about a dozen young Cape Verdians as they carried their enormous radios and bottles of duty-free Scotch to their waiting loved ones in the airport arrival lounge .
6 The specialist may have their own preferences as regards the diet , but if not , the three-stage diet given in Chapter Fourteen can be used .
7 The long hours worked by preregistration house officers , the high service commitment , and the low rating given to the educational aspects of the job have led to numerous criticisms of this part of medical education .
8 North Tyneside complained about the low status given to North Shields shopping centre .
9 Library managements might plead that there is no time for a highly staff-intensive activity such as stock revision , but the low priority given to an activity of such fundamental importance is disconcerting .
10 [ Teachers ' ] reluctance to categorise children , especially at younger ages , was reflected , in the schools visited , by the low priority given to marking written work , the paucity of written records and the lack of diagnostic testing of ordinary pupils to aid the development of reading and number programmes to meet individual needs .
11 Repeat prescriptions , allied to the low priority given to older patients , can lead to drugs being prescribed for periods which are longer than those recommended as safe .
12 Those schools which were not satisfied were asked to give examples of the constraints which limited provision and , apart from time , those most commonly mentioned in the primary sector related to the low priority given to health education when compared with other developments , and to the lack of a specific school policy .
13 If the standard of service observed on this occasion is general , it may be that this reflects the low priority given to library expenditure in this university .
14 Then since we assume that the first , parallel coupled , part of the assembly moves with equal strain e in each part , we have the equations The same form of equation but with different constants is found if we use the mechanically equivalent form of the three-element model given in Figure 3.2 ( b ) .
15 As that is the political sphere given to the health service — it is a public service accountable through my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State to the House — the management of the health service has set out clearly how that principle should be applied to the management of ECRs .
16 The Green Lady is also the subject of an oil painting ; a portrait of herself in a green dress which the Spanish lady gave to the Bolle family as a gift .
17 It was unclear whether Japanese armed forces would be developed significantly but given the covert encouragement given by General Willoughby and others to Japanese defences — of which the Soviet Union could not have been unaware through intelligence activities — disquiet was bound to increase .
18 Simply because it does give a numerical score , rather than the subjective impression given by an interview , credit scoring may give a spurious and therefore dangerous impression of accuracy .
19 Famous writer and critic Marghanita Laski expressed her amazement at the strange treatment given to ‘ such words as those till recently written as f-dash and c-dash ’ .
20 This case followed a couple of weeks after the extensive coverage given to the case where a teacher was accused of raping a 15-year-old pupil but who was eventually jailed for unlawful sexual intercourse .
21 Upon receipt of a written demand from you return the information ( as reduced to writing ) to you together with any copies in our possession except to the extent required to support the professional advice given by us .
22 Upon receipt of a written demand from you return the information ( as reduced to writing ) to you together with any copies in our possession except to the extent required to support the professional advice given by us .
23 Menu of the historic dinner given to General Jan Christiaan Smuts in the Royal Gallery of the House of Lords , 15 May I 917 .
24 The Articles of Government made under the 1986 Act gave to the governors of county and controlled schools the duty of devising arrangements for the appointment of staff , excluding head teachers and , in some authorities , deputy head teachers .
25 The private suburb gave to its inhabitants two important things : a sense of belonging to a fairly sympathetic world and an outlet for idealistic and creative instincts .
26 Then , and only then is the devastating news given to the old man .
27 One reason — just one — is that as the rich world gives with one hand so it takes away with the other .
28 The usual reason given for the Jewish and Moslem strictures against eating pork is that they began a public health measures , to prevent pork-borne diseases such as trichinosis .
29 The distant traffic noises did not seem to interrupt the silence ; the reflective water gave to the Palace of Westminster the illusion of insubstantiality .
30 That was the longest time given to any private Bill since the Great Western Railway Bill of 1835 .
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