Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun sg] [coord] [art] " in BNC.

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1 To trim the sail , the jib car should be used on the inside track and the clew trimmed back to the shrouds .
2 The calculation of the total profit and the payment of any bonus will be decided by Clerical Medical .
3 The calculation of the total profit and the payment of any bonus will be decided by Clerical Medical .
4 Looking at the total expenditure and the economic projections , ministers decided broadly and in a preliminary way what limits had to be set for spending in the next financial year ( then about nine months away ) .
5 Every clinic in the United Kingdom has to collect figures on the total attendance and the diagnoses and submit them quarterly to the Department of Health .
6 In this example the half stepping excitation scheme is being used , so the Phase is excited for half of the total cycle and the torque is maximised if the phase current is turned on when d L A /d 0 is positive .
7 The total number and the number of propagated and non-propagated contractions were two to four times higher during the upright than the supine period ( p<0.001 ) .
8 The difference in motility indices for the total period and the postprandial period did not reach statistical significance .
9 The normal leg and the raw bits
10 Forty three patients had partially treated iron deficiency with a typical blood film and microcytosis ( mean cell volume <76 fl ) or iron , iron binding capacity or ferritin , or all four at the extremes of the normal range and a response to iron treatment .
11 Under the project , the banks lend money in the normal way but the Department of Industry agrees to refund 80 per cent of it if the firm goes bust .
12 The amount of the distribution element will be taxed as income under Schedule F in the normal way and the shareholder will be entitled to a tax credit in respect of the ACT paid by the company .
13 The show is a mix of puppets and a human Alice when she 's the normal size and a puppet Alice when she 's shrunk by the potion .
14 But added to that , when you went into the bedroom , there was the normal wardrobe and the dressing table and the chest of drawers .
15 At an adjoining table , Sharon Dudley and David Wilson described themselves as consultant marketists — they sell discount cards on the basis that ‘ it gives people the stuff they want for three-quarters of the normal price and the shops would rather get 75 per cent of something than nothing in recessionary times ’ .
16 There were significant differences between the normal group and the control group ( p<0.001 ) , and between the control group and the SOD plus catalase group ( p<0.05 ) .
17 This contrasts with many other societies in which sharing a home with relatives has been regarded as the normal option and a permanent arrangement .
18 This being said , and allowing for the fact that much which was viewed as sexually deviant a generation ago is now viewed tolerantly if not taken for granted , a few words may be said about some practices or groups of practices which are generally recognised as deviant from either the normal object , the normal aim or the normal focal issues of sexuality .
19 Other events there will be A Night Out with Goldsmith , Johnson and Burney at the Georgian Theatre and a performance by Fritz Spiegel and the Spiegelers .
20 The old agrarian basis of the economy survived well into the Georgian era but the enormous growth of population made a new form of local society unavoidable and the Enclosure Award of 1766 put the final seal of approval on changes that had long been underway .
21 The bedrooms are attractive and have been individually designed , with specific themes in mind , such as the Tudor Room , the Georgian Room and the Chinese Room , using fabrics , furnishings and paintings to create just the right style .
22 The gilt-edged market and the foreign exchange market were , and are , influenced by each other , so that a deterioration in the balance of payments tended to produce a weakness in the gilt-edged market .
23 The umbilical cord and the afterbirth were still inside me , so she began to yank this baby and I said " Excuse me , I 've still got a bit inside me . "
24 The hooded sweatshirt and the parka , even the hooray Huskie have been re-interpreted in brilliant silks , satins and cashmeres .
25 The main carriage operates from the right-hand edge and the lace carriage from the left-hand edge .
26 Soon it was moving at the speed of a trotting horse between a high hedge on the right-hand side and a stone wall on the left .
27 Theirs was a short street going uphill , four shops on the right-hand side and the blank back walls of a warehouse opposite .
28 The Mexico City agreement emerged from talks on Sept. 13-15 , 1989 , between the Salvadorean government and the main guerrilla organization in El Salvador , the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( Frente Farabundo Martí de Liberación Nacional — FMLN ) [ see p. 36890 ] , in response to an appeal made in the Tela agreement [ see below ] , and allowed for monthly talks to take place between the two sides .
29 The report noted that the commission had encountered lack of co-operation and deliberate obstruction on the part of the armed forces , some sectors of the Salvadorean government and the US administration itself , in its efforts to clarify the events .
30 UN-sponsored peace talks between the Salvadorean government and the opposition Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front ( FMLN ) , launched in Geneva in April 1990 [ see p. 37372 ] , continued with meetings in Mexico City on April 4-27 , 1991 , and a fresh round of talks in Caracas , Venezuela , commencing on May 25 .
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