Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [noun] [coord] in " in BNC.

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1 If you have planned and carried out your strategy of study over the earlier laps , like the 5000-metre runner , you should be on the inside lane and in a good position at the bell for the last lap .
2 Should the first theory be correct , the similarities that exist between the motility of the colon in the normal location and in the transposed location would not exist , as the nerves would have been interrupted during transection and mobilisation of the segment of colon .
3 There is a professionally qualified Staff of three in the Learning Support Department , , who has had many years of experience here at Heriot 's , both in the Junior School and in Learning Support ; ; who has more recently joined us after several years experience in Learning Support in other schools ; and who , as Head of Department and an experienced educational psychologist , is responsible for the assessment of our pupils and for the planning of their programmes within the Department .
4 This will have its immediate relevance for choice of methodology in both the broad sense and in the development of sub-units within the whole .
5 For example , compare the standard molar enthalpy for the following reaction with that for the reaction represented by equation ( b ) above : In reaction ( b ) above the water formed in the liquid state but in reaction ( c ) it is a gas ( steam ) .
6 Interestingly , the root was located either in the eukaryotic branch or in the archaebacterial domain , but never in the eubacterial branch .
7 The party now accepts Britain 's membership of the European Community and in the 1989 Euro-elections claimed to be the party of ‘ good Europeans ’ .
8 The most common varieties of this system ( commonly used in other member states of the European Community and in some elections in Northern Ireland ) are the single transferable vote system ( under which primary votes of the least successful candidates are progressively redistributed to the more successful ) and the list-system , under the simplest variety of which votes are cast not for particular candidates , but for parties , the ‘ list ’ of whose candidates will benefit proportionately to the party 's overall vote .
9 Like other responsible , Labour-controlled local authorities in Wales , they have worked in partnership with the Welsh Office , the Welsh Development Agency , the European Commission and in this case the development corporation .
10 The upsurge of interest in tachistoscopic laterality research which has taken place during the last two decades or so can be traced in part to the split-brain investigations and in part to an experiment conducted by Mishkin and Forgays ( 1952 ) .
11 But in the Darjeeling districts and in Assam a complex railway network soon became a vital part of the supply system and comforts of the white tea planters .
12 The Chancellor in his Mansion House speech rattled past the monetary arguments and in his Budget speech brushed them aside .
13 The period between May 1989 and February 1990 was dominated by the death in early June 1989 of the spiritual leader , Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini [ see pp. 36724-25 ] , and the struggle between " radical " and " pragmatist " factions within the Islamic regime and in the Majlis ( Parliament ) to establish their leadership in the post-Khomeini era .
14 Earlier Ariel Sharon , Minister of Housing , announced that immigrant housing would not be built in the occupied territories but in developing areas such as the Negev desert and the Galilee region .
15 The killings had set off widespread rioting in the occupied territories and in Jordan .
16 The revolts in the Low Countries and in England challenged the nature of dynastic power and the modernizing State .
17 From 1927 he , later supported by his friend ( Sir ) William Stanier [ q.v. ] , advocated the building of a national locomotive testing station capable of handling the largest locomotives and in 1937 work on the station was started at Rugby .
18 The idea is to let the initial sample of urine that is passed wash away any bacteria that are found around the urethral meatus or in the urethra , so that , if any bacteria are grown in the laboratory , it will be reasonably certain that they reflect infection actually inside the bladder or kidneys .
19 In both the political arena and in the public domain reactions have been sharply divided .
20 Although nothing much changed in cultural policy , in the political system or in the media , steps were taken towards economic reform .
21 Defence is n't always at the top of the political agenda and in periods of long time peace as we have now enjoyed , people tend to forget the dangers are still genuine and still there .
22 It assesses both the general processes affecting the public enterprise sector , and the variations between countries resulting from differences in the political environment and in institutional industrial relations factors .
23 It is nevertheless a fractured kind of pluralism which reflects the political situation and in turn helps , to a large extent , to define and create the situation it reports .
24 He was doing ‘ A ’ level politics and was interested in ‘ the political side and in getting involved in the Party ’ .
25 The Communists were able to benefit from the war , both in the political Left and in the unions .
26 Virus F/x-01–74482 , soon referred to as , simply , the Mahon virus was , as far as she could understand , a unique example of something that up till now had only been postulated : that deep in the ocean , under the terrific pressure and in temperatures approaching absolute zero , there had remained chains of biochemicals , primitive viruses that had been part of the great ‘ organic soup ’ at the creation of life , remaining unchanged as the rest of the primordial swamp had undergone the long evolutionary journey to form all the complexities of life on earth .
27 So that was the journey waybill and that was handed in at the end of the day and from that and a visual check of the tickets that were returned by him to the ticket office , they could tell which tickets were missing and therefore they were sold to him and er there be , there was the odd shortages but in those days if anybody was short in his takings by , I think it was about sixpence in those days , he was the subject of a another warning by letter and if he persisted , well then he was brought in to see the Traffic Superintendent who erm , could suspend him for two or three days , so he lost pay for two or three days .
28 Napoleon III was well aware of the danger posed by prolonged disputes about the Spanish succession and in an attempt to bring the problem to a quick end , he proposed as a ‘ neutral ’ candidate the Portuguese Prince , Fernando , husband and former King-Consort of Queen Maria .
29 They gave the magic to a cripple named Birkinlig , and he took it to the lower land and in turn bestowed it upon his friends , his household .
30 The strength of the Welf party lay on the lower Rhine and in the Netherlands and especially in the support of Cologne and of its archbishop , for Cologne had strong trading ties with England .
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