Example sentences of "[art] [noun] say that it " in BNC.

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1 In a memo ( signature illegible ) to the assistant chief of naval staff dated two months after the sinking of the Bismarck , the writer said that it had ‘ unofficially ’ come to his notice that an Ensign Smith of the U S Navy was in the Catalina aircraft that had resighted the Bismarck , then en route to Brest , two days after British naval forces had lost contact with her ; and that an Ensign Rinehart was in another searching Catalina .
2 In Madzimbamuto v. Lardner Burke ( P.C. , 1969 ) Lord Reid said that even if Parliament acted improperly or unwisely , it was not open to the courts to say that it had acted illegally and that the resultant legislation was invalid .
3 A spokeswoman for the ministry said that it had seen a draft of the report earlier in the year and had felt that it had made ‘ inappropriate use ’ of the generalised derived limits .
4 The ministry said that it intended to go ahead with the slaughter of the flock ‘ as soon as possible ’ .
5 The Ministry said that it would refrain from slaughtering the birds until the ruling on Tuesday .
6 Commenting on the move in an editorial on March 7 , The Hindu said that it marked " the logical culmination of one stage in V.P. Singh 's effort to eliminate corruption in the upper reaches of government and restore the integrity of the decision making process " [ see p. 37184 for initiation in January 1990 of criminal proceedings in Bofors corruption case ] .
7 The association said that it had heard of several cases in which EHOs had ordered unacceptable action from wine and drinks wholesalers under the 1990 Food Safety Act .
8 The chair of the NEC said that it was forced to take action after it uncovered widespread irregularities and blatant corruption on the part of both recognized political parties — the National Republican Convention ( NRC ) and the Social Democratic Party ( SDP ) .
9 The department says that it is seeking advice from the Committee on safety of Medicines on B17 .
10 When the company won its provisional licence last year it looked to be on the brink of success , but now the Department says that it is ‘ still considering how to move forward with the company on its application ’ .
11 The hunger strikes were called off on Oct. 20 , although the PPD said that it would continue its boycott of the National Assembly .
12 The lawyer said that it was not possible to say that the young people had suffered any permanent effects as a result of their experience .
13 The SDPP said that it planned to challenge the vote in the Constitutional Court , which had overturned similar legislation in March 1989 [ see pp. 36528 ; 37592-93 ] .
14 You must have heard the old story about the bucket of water ; when it was shown to the optimist he described it as being ‘ half full ’ while the pessimist said that it was ‘ half empty ’ .
15 Unless such a distinction is to be found , as the defendants say that it is , in the public nature of a local authority , which has governmental powers under statute and of which the policy and activities are decided by elected councillors , I agree with that view of Morland J. In the South Hetton Coal Co. case Lopes L.J .
16 It trivialises the issue to say that it was merely the result of panic — although there was certainly panic in good measure .
17 The council said that it had deposed the President , abolishing his office , and had suspended parliament pending new elections .
18 The council says that it is speaking up for smokers .
19 The trustees and the directors say that it takes two to three years to get the feel of the responsibilities — those responsibilities are considerably greater these days — and to work one 's way in and become able to contribute fully .
20 The committee says that it would strongly prefer that the integrated management of river basins remains with the NRA .
21 Although there is a lack of reliable data on acute pesticide poisoning , the committee said that it was clear that approximately two thirds of all poisonings were suicide attempts and that a quarter were accidental .
22 ‘ The trial lasted six days and in his summing up , the judge said that it was too difficult to determine the age of the dogs and that he did not believe a breeder would know her own stock — so basically the ‘ coincidence ’ was too strong .
23 To her amazement he took this like a lamb , and then had the effrontery to say that it had been a pleasure working with a businesswoman like her , and if there was anything else he could help her with , she only had to ask !
24 The court refused to investigate the validity of the Act saying that it was unable to look beyond the parliamentary roll of statutes .
25 As far as audit is concerned , the Institute says that it has not found ‘ any convincing reasons ’ to ban company auditors from auditing the company pension scheme .
26 The Institute says that it is now receiving a steady stream of IVA notifications every month , a phenomenon which , until the recession started , was extremely rare .
27 The Institute says that it would prefer the former .
28 In its reply , in a memorandum to HM Treasury , the Institute said that it was not convinced that the proposals were needed .
29 The director said that it would take between one and two weeks for the Soviet Union to send the forces it is currently pulling out , back into eastern Europe .
30 The CEGB says that it should be possible to build a PWR in Britain in six years , but it uses a period of 7 years in its calculations of the economics of Sizewell B.
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