Example sentences of "[art] [noun] that [vb -s] with " in BNC.

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1 For example , many people at the Royal Brompton and National Heart hospital tell me that some of the special health authorities should be allowed to win new patients and the money that comes with them by being allowed to work in the internal market .
2 There can be little doubt as to what in the way of topics and register the Host expects in the Monk 's Tale ; he concludes his observations on Melibee with : and continues with a description of the Monk that matches with the impression " Chaucer " claims to have of the Monk in the General Prologue , of a " " manly man " " , straining at the bounds of what is allowed to a monk ( and not dissimilar to the monk of the Shipman 's Tale ) : After nearly a hundred stanzas of the Monk 's tragedies , the Host is prepared to give him a second chance , as " Chaucer " had , but feels this time he has to be more specific as to what is wanted : But as soon as the Monk speaks we have the opportunity to see , firstly , that his reaction does not suggest he is flattered or pleased by the Host 's appraisal of him , and secondly that he sounds quite different from the bold and thrusting " man 's man " that " Chaucer " and the Host would make of him : Note how the Monk 's desire to offer literature that " " sowneth into honestee " " anticipates Chaucer the prosist 's retraction of the tales " " that sownen into synne " " .
3 Is it that G Ps do n't read the literature that comes with the drugs .
4 Most of the literature that deals with indigenous psychologies fails to take into account the possible variations in this respect between not only the sexes , but between other social categories such as chiefs and commoners .
5 If it does , the responsibility that goes with it , could be making of the man , who 's been described as a victim of his own background .
6 For Opposition Members to suggest that we should have nuclear weapons but not the ability to test shows how little they understand the responsibility that lies with a nuclear power .
7 In this expansion lies the freedom that comes with it ; for this journey and enlargement of the mind is also part of man 's endless quest for growth and self-fulfilment .
8 ‘ No , the soul is in two parts : the gros bon ange is the big good angel , the part that deals with instinct and all the functions of life that we do without thinking about . ’
9 If any part of that charter could be addressed in that context , it would have to be the part that deals with choice and redress and various other such matters .
10 You get one of the lads that works with me , if he catches three of them he says well I 'll have them for my dinner .
11 Haematology is the department that deals with blood and the red colouring in the blood is haemoglobin .
12 The mix used was two x 2 gallon buckets of building sand , one bucket of Portland cement and 250 grams of fibres — this mix is specified in the pamphlet that comes with the product .
13 Pupils may lose their reason for working unless they have learned to work for themselves , to value the pleasure that comes with seeing , and with being able to explain to others .
14 The reason these worries pose such a problem in marriage relationships is that if we feel insignificant we assume we are unworthy of love and are afraid of the vulnerability that comes with complete openness and honesty .
15 So erm having an extra network and all of the administration that goes with it seems very much a waste of time especially when it creates another tier of of sort of quasar membership .
16 Now animals share much of this pre-linguistic heritage with us , in varying degrees depending upon whether we are speaking of gibbons or goldfish , but ( pace Washoe ) stop short of speaking and the consequent metamorphosis of the prototypes that goes with it .
17 lovely shape This is for orchids and this is the the fern that comes with them , which is quite useful .
18 This is the editor that comes with DOS Six which is a clone of WordStar .
19 Together they 've got the attitude that comes with being a young band who 've just spent the last month in the studio recording an album , tentatively called ‘ Revelation/s ’ , which will more than fulfil the potential they displayed earlier this year when — along with the likes of near neighbours Ride ( both originally come from Oxford ) and Teenage Fanclub — they were seen as the frontrunners of the rising young guitar bands .
20 Together they 've got the attitude that comes with being a young band who 've just spent the last month in the studio recording an album , tentatively called ‘ Revelation/s ’ , which will more than fulfil the potential they displayed earlier this year when — along with the likes of near neighbours Ride ( both originally come from Oxford ) and Teenage Fanclub — they were seen as the frontrunners of the rising young guitar bands .
21 The behaviour of atoms in this sensibility is governed by the same principles that apply to human systems , or any energetic system throughout nature or the universe that interacts with the medium in which it exists ( its environment ) and exchanges energy .
22 On the other hand , London inherits relatively more resources — human and material — with which to tackle them , and it also has the dubious advantage of commanding the attention that goes with being the seat of national government .
23 The mother 's objection was not found to be unreasonable and no suggestion was made to allow adoption with a condition of access so as not to deprive the ten year old of the security that goes with adoption compared to long-term foster care .
24 They included Christian Unity , the Department of Peace and Justice and the Secretariat that deals with dialogue with other faiths .
25 Yeah , and if , if , if it 's bad lies well then that 's the case for the for the , the body that deals with the police .
26 PUERPERIUM — The period that begins with lying-in following delivery and lasts about six weeks or 42 days until the female reproductive system returns to its normal state .
27 Those who can not allow themselves to experience the pain and the guilt that goes with it can not move through to acceptance and therefore some more creative response .
28 Everyone in the House must want further inward investment and the development that comes with it .
29 One of the problems that arises with this approach is the validity of the features isolated .
30 Mind you , I do n't like the top that goes with it .
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