Example sentences of "[art] [noun] he [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 As Harry stood there , lost in thought , the porter he had spoken to earlier appeared from the direction of the lodge , rattling a Punch of keys in his hand .
2 None of the agencies involved in the official investigation of the Flight 103 bombing , either British or American , had even attempted to question him about the activities he had observed on Cyprus , despite all the rumours of the DEA 's involvement .
3 If whatever pattern of cues he is emitting happens to affect the subject 's response , so that the experimenter obtains the response he expected to obtain , that pattern of cues may be more likely to recur with the next subject .
4 But by the time Fokine produced The Firebird he had developed his mimed dance much further .
5 Apart from having limited time to try and spread the gospel about the tournament in its magnificent venue , if , as should have happened , Jimmy Connors had played , if John McEnroe had survived his first round , if Pat Cash had looked better prepared and if , as certainly should have been the case , Jeremy Bates had taken the opportunity he had to upset Wimbledon quarter finalist , Thierry Champion , the whole picture may have looked so different .
6 He had n't expected her to make this sort of use of the opportunity he had given her .
7 Eleanor had given him the opportunity he had needed .
8 For several weeks , Tobias Beventini had found it impossible to speak of the apprentice he had chosen to follow , to dissect , to guide , in a medical way , towards the real , adult world .
9 Whereas , in Fulk le Réchin 's account which preserved the comital family 's own early tradition , Geoffrey was a solid but unremarkable figure , in the Gesta he has undergone transmogrification .
10 We all imagined he had some secret new money-spinning idea and soon we 'd all be amazed at what he 'd done to the place , and coming here to marvel at the crowds he 'd managed to attract … but I do n't think he was ever looking for a site for some viable business venture ; I think he was just looking for somewhere suited to his burned-out , fed-up , pissed-off mood .
11 For the labourers he had produced , on a twenty-seven by twenty-four-foot ground plan , a unit containing a lobby , living room , scullery , indoor w.c. , and one large and two small bedrooms .
12 He turned the truck in the direction he had pointed , Myeloski once again walking in front of the two headlights that lit his path for him .
13 He was on the other side of the road , saw me watching him , stopped , turned and walked slowly for fifty yards in the direction he had come .
14 Almost with relief Ronni snatched her gaze away and turned in the direction he had nodded .
15 There was no clear path , she was just winding through trees and keeping as close as she could to the direction he had shown .
16 But examples of this kind were pointing him in the direction he wanted to go .
17 By way of indication of the direction he intended to take , on 14 June 1940 Spain invaded and occupied the internationally administered Moroccan city of Tangier .
18 The pebbles he has thrown have shown these things .
19 She tried to convince herself he was still there — smirking at the sight of her in the ropes he 'd tied to her naked body .
20 Six months before he sat his Final Schools examination , he recorded the change he had observed in ‘ My Writing — it seems daily to become poorer though my mind is slowly growing .
21 Alec Smith told vividly of the change he has found — from the days not so long ago when he was a rebel against all organised society , and cherishing hate against certain specific people .
22 Explain to him how you feel and chat to his parents , who may rally round and give you the support he refuses to give you .
23 He was concerned about de Gaulle 's anti-Americanism , but was pleased by the support he had received from the French leader in 1958–61 over the Berlin crises with Russia .
24 Hardly had Muawad been elected than they detected signs that the Syrians were less than eager to give him the support he needed to impose his authority on the whole country .
25 Hardly had Muawad been elected than they detected signs that the Syrians were less than eager to give him the support he needed to impose his authority on the whole country .
26 Bold face : John Birt tells reporters outside Broadcasting House of the support he has received from colleagues
27 You have no need to worry — the support he has provided over past months will continue .
28 So Mr Gates is trying to work out how his rising pile of information can best be combined with the expertise he does have , in software .
29 He seems to have taken no part in public life under the Commonwealth , but when the Exchequer was re-established under the Protectorate he failed to regain his old post as auditor , having to wait for this until the Restoration , when he protested , perhaps predictably , that he had never really been a parliamentarian at all .
30 Coleman had gone up on the roof the previous evening for one of his periodic checks of the antennae he had rigged for the listening post .
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