Example sentences of "[art] [noun] and make they " in BNC.

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1 Flimsy metal rails and plastic counters jar with the handsome Neo-classical forms of the galleries ; large panels have been built in the entrance of the three main galleries , blocking the views and making them look smaller , and because space is at a premium , the paintings are sometimes crowded together .
2 Keith has a lot of talent and I think David used to go to him and Keith would rearrange the songs and make them sound good with his bass lines .
3 When they disembarked at Algeciras , the Spanish customs officers searched the car and made them open their luggage .
4 When the prophet Ezekiel was in the valley of bones he prophesied to the bones and made them join up together .
5 If your computer dealer ca n't supply them you can easily get the connectors and make them up yourself if you are handy with a soldering iron .
6 Will the Government please review the workings of the Act and make them more effective ?
7 She believes some people will vote Labour to shake up the Conservatives and make them reconsider their policies .
8 This is again due to arterial spasm and deoxygenated ( blue blood ) pooling in the veins and making them take on this abnormal hue .
9 As far as the debtor 's obligations are concerned , he must retain possession of the goods and make them available for the creditor to collect , taking reasonable care of them in the meantime ( s72(4) ) .
10 Yeah , well all the shops are closed in it now it 's finished put some chemical in in the water and makes them
11 Coral are unable to split the pair in ante-post betting for the title and make them 5–1 joint favourites .
12 Salt is effective by stimulating the taste buds of the tongue and making them aware of the basic tastes of the food being eaten .
13 His owner must not shampoo him while he 's knotty as it will tighten the knots and make them harder to remove .
14 As they reached Allen 's side a voice broke the stillness and made them spin round .
15 ‘ I saw state policemen drag strikers across the road and make them kneel in the ditch there while they held shotguns in their backs .
16 Consider spraying your carpets with stain-retardant which coats the fibres and makes them more resistant to dirt and spills .
17 In those circumstances , it was thought right to reduce some of the activities of the RNR and to make them more relevant to the future .
18 It is even possible that Gloucester 's claims of another plot against him were intended not only to justify Hastings ' removal but to impress the council with the gravity of the situation and make them more disposed , not less , to back Gloucester 's leadership as the one hope of stability in a worsening political climate .
19 It is even possible that Gloucester 's claims of another plot against him were intended not only to justify Hastings ' removal but to impress the council with the gravity of the situation and make them more disposed , not less , to back Gloucester 's leadership as the one hope of stability in a worsening political climate .
20 Next he led the spinnaker sheets aft to the cockpit and made them fast to the stern cleats with plenty of slack .
21 If they 're wrongly placed they can blank out the screens and make them impossible to read .
22 For example , in Dundee the Tayside Public Transport Company , which is still owned by the regional council , has been forced , under the provisions of the 1985 Act , to alter some of the services and make them commercial .
23 Let us go , says the second proposition , and find somebody else , some wise man who will be able to answer the unanswerable , who can tell us which are the sheep who can properly raise their prices , and which the goats who ought to keep their prices stable or lower them ; and then , when he tells us , we will all go and scream blue murder at the goats and make them thoroughly ashamed and sorry for themselves .
24 That 's right the tenth replacement depot in Lichfield and they used to come round to Walsall looking for absentees and deserters and they there was actually a shooting match in Street the MPs started firing the guns at these fellas who 'd gone absent without leave , and , but as I understand I remember at the time there was a lot of racism in America then and they , they picked these coloured fellas up and apparently the C O at Lichfield was very much a southern colonel and he was a racist and they used to chain these coloured guys up behind the trucks and make them walk all the way back to Lichfield behind the trucks driving the trucks at walking pace and I understand there was a , a salver , a commemorative salver in the Town Hall to be presented to him , and some an MP in the Council he were looking for this colonel , but as I understand he was court-martialled after the war for racism and so I do n't think he 'd be wanting , wanted to be connected with Walsall any more , so but this was
25 Prepare all the facts and make them available
26 Those who have had facts imparted to them effectively will pass the tests and those who have not will fail to pass the tests , and when the lists are read out on Speech Day the incompetence of the bad fact-imparters will be revealed to the world and this will act as a goad and make them impart their facts better in future … . ’
27 There is sometimes a fine line between encouraging residents to take part in an activity and making them do something they really do not want to do .
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