Example sentences of "[art] [noun] case [be] that " in BNC.

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1 The er the defence case is that er there was no duty a and in my submission it must be of assistance to your Lordship to determine that issue to hear evidence from both sides upon whether there is such a practice and if there is what the extent of it is .
2 The facts of the Sen case were that Mr Sen was dismissed on 9th July 1990 .
3 Another difficulty in the Gouriet case was that the applicant sought an injunction to restrain a threatened breach of the criminal law .
4 An important lesson that has been learnt from the Beck case is that it is time for art historians to stop standing by in cowardice and make responsible evaluations of the restoration techniques used .
5 The thrust of the prosecutions case is that Mr How , who had offices in Gloucester , Cheltenham and Worcester , used money which his clients believed to be safely invested , to pay for high risk property deals , which fell through causing his customers to lose almost two million pounds betwen them .
6 But the lesson of the Kennedy case is that if you have the chance to take another job before your redundancy has been confirmed , you may have to choose between safeguarding your future and cashing in on the job rights built up over the years in your present employment .
7 The prosecution case was that the victim , R , came with others to a party attended by F and was stabbed by F during a general disturbance when R and the two other men in his group were stabbed by F's two brothers ( who were also charged ) .
8 The prosecution case was that the defendant had fired deliberately at Paulette .
9 The prosecution case was that the murder was premeditated , the evidence of the premeditation being , as the prosecution suggested , that Mr. Pegg had returned to his home to fetch the knife before setting out to meet Goddard .
10 An important aspect of the Esso case is that it illustrates that the restraint of trade doctrine is not simply applicable to those restraints which continue after the end of the contract period .
11 It appeared that when the advocate depute addressed the jury , he submitted that the Crown case was that both accused were acting in concert in the attack upon the deceased .
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