Example sentences of "[art] [noun] who be to " in BNC.

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1 This second expedition to Benghazi is not mentioned in any official documents and it has all the hallmarks of a David Stirling private-enterprise job , especially in view of the personnel who were to be involved .
2 The proposal for a community charge — or ‘ poll tax ’ — put forward by Nicholas Ridley in 1988 ran into furious local opposition , not least among the Scots who were to be the first to pay this new imposition , After all , freeborn Englishmen , led by Wat Tyler , had revolted against a poll tax as long ago as 1381 , and its bluntness and social inequity helped fuel a considerable popular protest , including in the Conservative shires .
3 The parliament of 1337 culminated in a series of festivities in which Edward honoured many of the nobles who were to be his companions in arms .
4 Er on the day of the event you went either your mother or somebody else 's mother Usually the custom was that the the boy who was to be the horse would be decorated either by his own mother , say , or or perhaps the person who he was s s he Who he was partnering as as as ploughman , you know , horseman .
5 The previous month though saw the much publicized reception of dissident exiles from the mainland who were to be allowed to settle in Taiwan .
6 As for Odovacer , he has sometimes been identified with the warleader who was to be responsible for the deposition of the last emperor , Romulus Augustulus , in 476 .
7 However , the driver/technician who delivers the vehicles spends as long as is needed , normally 1–2 hours , with the teacher/technician who is to be responsible for the duration of the programme , demonstrating the work stations and ensuring that the workings of the vehicle are fully understood .
8 Mr. Howell submitted that Parliament having expressly dealt with the case of an admissions policy designed to preserve the character of the school in subsections ( 3 ) ( b ) and ( 6 ) , it was not open to the school ( even though over-subscribed ) to apply such a policy under section 6(3) ( a ) in selecting the applicants who were to be rejected .
9 The memo continues by stating that if the group who were to be part of the first squadron returned by road , they would waste too much time and should therefore be flown back to collect the new vehicles and supplies needed at Kufra .
10 Draft rules regarding the persons who are to be entitled to use the canteen must be submitted to the licensing board along with the application : subs .
11 The application by a non-natural person must name the person who is to be responsible for the day-to-day running of the premises , and the licence granted or transferred as a result of the application must name both the non-natural person and the person who is to run the premises .
12 ( 2 ) ( b ) 5.11 requires , in the case of an application by a non-natural person , that both the non-natural person and the person who is to be responsible for the day-to-day running of the premises be named in the application .
13 The baby was only a sign and could only have been understood later in the light of the life of the person who was to be the Saviour of the world .
14 These samples of human oddity certainly exemplify cultural diversity but the choice of pictures immediately makes it obvious that the people who are to be discussed are " primitives " who lack all the gadgetry of modern technology and modern sanitation .
15 And when the sun appeared they all died and then the people who were to be the people of Amantani came from other islands , from peninsulas in the south … ’
16 Praised be the Lord who is to be praised for ever and ever .
17 But she was n't quick enough for the woman who was to be Artemis 's new mother .
18 Although great power was vested in the philosophers who were to be the rulers , their personal self-interest was not to be a source of private gain but was to be made subservient to the state .
19 All the novelists who are to be discussed in this chapter began their writing careers in the 1960s and recoiled from the hegemony of naturalistic modes of fiction .
20 A fireman who was to be flogged for alcohol offences in Saudi Arabia is back home after winning a last-minute reprieve .
21 But in another variety of comic crime fiction you can take as a chief character , as indeed your detective , a person who is to a greater or lesser extent a figure of fun , someone prone to fall victim to more or less ridiculous circumstances .
22 Article 5(1) contains further definitions as follows : " a group of connected individuals " , in relation to the party disposing of shares in the company , means persons each of whom is , or is a close relative of , a director or manager of the company and , in relation to the party acquiring the shares , means persons each of whom is , or is a close relative of , a person who is to be a director or manager of the company ; " close relation " means a person 's spouse , his children ( including , in Northern Ireland , his adopted children ) and step-children , his parents and step-parents , his brothers and sisters , and his step-brothers and step-sisters and includes a person acting in the capacity of trustee or personal representative of any such relative ; and " single individual " includes two or more persons acting in their capacity as the personal representatives of a single individual .
23 The head teacher is required to inform the parents of a pupil who is to be excluded ( or the pupil him/herself if aged at least 18 ) of the period of , and reasons for , the exclusion .
24 It was the signature of a man who was to all intents and purposes illiterate .
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