Example sentences of "[art] [noun] which be to " in BNC.

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1 Under s412(1) ( now TA 1988 , s739 ) the income which is to be taxed as if it were the taxpayer 's is income which he has power to enjoy within the meaning of the section .
2 ‘ Since Rainhill was closed , what has happened to the money which was to be spent in communities such as Halewood ?
3 The British Academy of Film and Television Awards are seen as an early pointer to the Oscars which are to be announced in Hollywood on 29 March .
4 A common situation where such an obligation of confidence is likely to arise is in subcontracting arrangements where the prime contractor supplies detailed information relating to the products which are to be built to his subcontractor .
5 Hence if the construction of the building which is to be the catering premises shuts out light to the adjoining premises it thereby infringes the rights of the neighbours and gives rise to a cause of action for contravention of their easement of light .
6 The tasks will be clearly defined by the tutor and the tutor will provide instruction in the methodology which is to be used in carrying out the investigation .
7 A city 's Academy typically funded its Salon , chose the pictures which were to be exhibited , and awarded medals to prizewinners .
8 A curriculum is a state document establishing the subjects which are to be studied at a school of a particular type , their distribution by grades ( years ) and the number of academic hours per week and per year given to each subject .
9 At their meeting in either 1749 or 1750 , Christopher Smart accepted this task from Richardson ; however , he delayed writing the piece which was to be printed in the volume .
10 This all-time low was worsened by news of Lance Henly 's death but the much-loved man had bequeathed his gold watch to the Club which was to be held by the winner of the Lovell Bowl .
11 She was sitting up in bed learning the chant which was to be tested the next day .
12 It may suit one of the parties at the time of the reference to exploit the uncertainty created by poor drafting , either by delaying matters by a construction summons ( see 8.17.7 ) or by insisting on a particular definition of the issue which is to that party 's advantage .
13 In the autumn they established a Women 's International League based on a joint platform of women 's rights and pacifism : ‘ only free women can build up the peace which is to be . ’
14 No doubt it is open to the objection that it presupposes the very point in issue , namely the law which is to be applied , but such a solution seems just as sensible in this context as the rule that the law governing the validity of a contract is determined by the law which would govern the contract if one assumed it to be valid .
15 And it was striking that in both instances the referenda did stimulate a serious and extensive debate about the matters which were to be decided on — or at least voted on .
16 I regard it as important in considering the benefit which is to be subject to taxation that the benefit should be identified .
17 However , it was from her mother Jeannie and her grandmother Maria Stewart that she absorbed the song-treasury which was to be the dominant love of her life .
18 As Officer Commanding , 4 Ferry Pool at Prestwick , McGuinness was instructed to act as Liaison Officer on behalf of the ATA which was to be directly involved in the critical transfer .
19 Power is to he found in individuals in the community which is to be studied .
20 MODULES/ — is an input parameter specifying the modules in the package which are to be read out .
21 It acts merely as an easily identified and meaningful reference to the version of the package which is to be issued .
22 When the package is ready for release , a ‘ Product ’ is created to act as a meaningful and easily identified reference to the version of the package which is to be released .
23 The output of the southern fields was exported through the terminals on the Gulf which were to be demolished by enemy action at the outbreak of war .
24 No value shall be attributable to any intangible asset including but not limited to , goodwill , intellectual property rights , research and development expenditure , third party rights , customer contracts , computer software and hardware , assets located in the business which is to be closed , any assets with an original cost of less than £500 , books and records but full provision shall be made for all liabilities in respect thereof .
25 You must enter the name of the file which is to be scanned .
26 This hardens the parts of the body which are to be used to strike and break , each part that is to be hardened striking the board 40 or 50 times a day .
27 He submitted that in determining whether judicial review will lie the courts today will examine the function which is being performed by the body which is to be reviewed rather than its identity or the source of its powers .
28 It is my hope that the representatives from the parishes will offer the Diocese and its Agencies the needs which are to be met by the parishes , with support from the Diocese , in the theme for 1994 .
29 At this stage it may be sensible to rely on your instinct but a further step that is worth trying is to give each candidate a simple task to perform that is related in some way to the post which is to be filled .
30 In the emergence of this ‘ young generation ’ of independent means lies the early identification of the sector of the population which was to be so effectively targeted by the market in the postwar era .
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