Example sentences of "[art] [noun] with a man " in BNC.

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1 She stood in the doorway with a man 's night-shirt on and her hair in a plait .
2 Indeed he did broadcast on the BBC before the war with a man called Harry Hopeful who ran a very popular show , rather on the same lines as Wilfrid Pickles and his Have a Go programme .
3 Princess Diana , meanwhile , was spending much of the day with a man who knows some of her most intimate secrets .
4 The handle is modelled in the round with a man engaged in sexual intercourse with a woman who is positioned on the shoulders of a kneeling figure .
5 In Ulm I shared the conducting with a man called Otto Schulmann .
6 Again I wondered at myself , only just into my twenties , debating the world with a man old enough to be my father .
7 It was like being in the adit of a mine , and I was driving into the bowels of the earth with a man who seemed hell bent on risking our lives for no apparent reason .
8 He had a fight with a man called Connell , and demolished him in ten minutes .
9 I got into a fight with a man whose IQ was so low , it took him ten minutes to say ‘ press wanker ’ .
10 Did John Dyson really have a fight with a man called Cox , or did you make all that up ?
11 He had seen a boat with a man in it , not far from the beach .
12 He says he did a deal with a man in a pub , a man whose name he ca n't remember and he 'd never met before . ’
13 She felt downright uncomfortable ; there could be something poignantly intimate about sharing the half-darkness of a car with a man — particularly when a tape played some soft Neapolitan music — and more especially with a man of Luke 's charisma .
14 A woman with a blond plait was seen getting out of a car with a man near the canal upstream of Sharpness .
15 It could be measured by the width of a coach with a man walking at each side , but even so it was wider than the streets and alleys leading off from both sides of it .
16 ‘ Do n't tell me you have n't shared a room with a man before ? ’ he murmured .
17 It can be very enjoyable , amusing and romantic ( because it means that a relationship with a man must deepen through glances , smiles and phrases with hidden meanings ) .
18 ‘ As women we are forced to accept that if we have a relationship with a man , it will involve a lot of work : looking after him , putting his needs before ours .
19 I was still at the time in a relationship with a man I had lived with for four years and was emotionally dependent on , in more ways than one given my immigrant status in this country .
20 Also the cohabitation ruling makes it difficult for a woman who is on supplementary benefit to have a relationship with a man without becoming financially dependent upon him , since her benefit will be stopped if they are deemed to be cohabiting .
21 There are , there are other ways to come by children , erm I have a relationship with a man who has three children erm he 's been married , he 's divorced , separated , and I do n't feel that I 'm replacing the children 's own mother , I feel like I 'm not even stepmother , I 'm just their friend , get on very well with them , and we we share I share mothering , if you like , with their own mother whom they see .
22 There , you can say that I 'm happy in a relationship with a man and I have a little girl . ’
23 The last thing she needed right now was a relationship with a man like Luke Hunter …
24 As he nodded she went on , ‘ I 'd had a bit of a knock in — in a relationship with a man in London , and I was very miserable over Elise 's death .
25 ‘ How odd that you did n't immediately see through a phony like Giles Denton , ’ he grated , totally ignoring her interruption , ‘ and after agreeing to take a cruise with a man you admit you hardly know , you end up in custody accused of drug-smuggling .
26 ‘ First you 're involved in a fracas with a man at a party held in my honour .
27 NEW GIRL ON THE BLOCK : ‘ I 'm a woman with a man 's brain , ’ says Tara Newley .
28 I made the mistake of letting Jan know I share a flat with a Man .
29 He was after all like every other member of his sex — merely a man with a man 's desire to dominate .
30 ‘ All I know for certain is that Sabine Jourdain had a row with a man on board the Jonquil before she was taken dead from the water , and that man was Tarquin Poulteney-Crosse . ’
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