Example sentences of "[art] [noun] of [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 This was available in the forms of either a treacly liquid or a dry powder .
2 Comment on any difficulties caused by ( a ) the lack of index registers , ( b ) the presence of two instructions per word , and ( c ) the provision of only a single conditional jump instruction .
3 By 1932 , when Hitler was running for Reich President and the Nazi Movement was gaining the support of over a third of the population , the ‘ Jewish Question , scarcely featured in Hitler 's public addresses .
4 He won the support of only a quarter of the delegates to the Rennes congress .
5 For example , in October 1974 the Labour Government secured the support of 39.2 per cent of those who voted and just over a quarter of the electorate ; in 1979 the Conservatives gained 43.9 per cent of the vote and the support of around a third of the electorate ; and in 1983 , the Conservative landslide of seats ( their parliamentary majority trebled ) was based on just 42.4 per cent of the vote — less than they got when they lost in 1964 , less than they got in 1979 , the fifth-lowest Conservative vote since the war , and the lowest vote-count by a government with a secure majority since 1922 .
6 Held , allowing the application , that the provision in article 5(1) of the 1968 Convention conferring special jurisdiction in respect of ‘ matters relating to a contract ’ required the existence of either a contractual relationship between the parties giving rise to actual contractual obligations , or a consensual relationship closely akin to a contract and with comparable obligations ; and that , since the transactions between the plaintiffs and defendants had been void ab initio , no contracts existed within the meaning of article 5(1) ; that the jurisdiction under article 5(3) was restricted to claims based on tort , delict or quasi-delict and did not extend to claims for restitution ; that article 6(1) was not applicable since under the terms of the order of Steyn J. the restitution claims would not be heard and determined together and , in any event , any irreconcilable judgments would be subject to a final decision of the House of Lords , binding in both England and Scotland ; and that , accordingly , there were no grounds for invoking the special jurisdiction to allow the defendants to be sued in England ( post , pp. 836F , 837B–D , 838E , 840B–D , 842H — 843B , G , G–H ) .
7 Although many people possess the psychotic traits we have been discussing , only a few will show the signs of even a borderline disorder and still fewer will develop a full-blown psychotic illness .
8 2 The description of how a linguistic item is made up .
9 For this reason , when M. Oswald and J. Erwin removed the dominant male from a troop the amount of fighting among the remaining pigtails went up ( Figure 7.4 ) ; the effect is not simply due to the removal of an individual , because no consistent increase in aggression followed the removal of either a relatively dominant or a low-ranking female .
10 I quoted examples showing that significant changes in organizations can be catalysed by the presence of even a single individual who is willing to engage with the problem deeply , persistently and openly .
11 There was about the seamen — every nerve in Blind Hugh 's body , which tended to vibrate in the presence of even a small amount of impure gold at fifty paces , screamed into his brain — the air of one anticipating imminent enrichment .
12 A glance at any of the solid-liquid phase diagrams above shows that the presence of even a small amount of a second component can lower the freezing point or melting point .
13 It would have been possible to have considered the Orpheus mosaics and a group of saltire mosaics , at the level of substantial affinity : in both instances there are similarities of content and decoration , where these similarities are not strong enough to suggest the presence of even a single craftsman who worked on more than one of the comparable mosaics .
14 Atrophy explains the presence of only a single well-developed anal vein in Anisopus ( Fig. 34 ) and other Diptera , while the occurrence in this genus of a single vein R2+3 , in place of the separate veins R2 and R3 , is due to coalescence .
15 This hypothesis was based on the finding of only a 30% positive response to acid perfusion in a series of 53 PSS patients .
16 And so it has gone on , although by the end of the 1980s it was evident that the patience of even a government as dedicated to the eventual triumph of nuclear power as Mrs Thatcher 's was showing signs of severe strain .
17 Sukarno 's repressive nationalist regime led directly to the massacre of perhaps a million of his communist supporters , gross civil rights abuses , torture , the illegal invasion of East Timor , and the current police state .
18 Allegations of official dithering had intensified after Rao , who had signalled his determination to rebuild the mosque , indicated on Dec. 10 that he favoured the building of both a mosque and a Hindu temple .
19 At present , long-term lending is the preserve of only a handful of merchant banks , such as Mediobanca and Istituto Mobiliare Italiano , which have built strong ties with Italy 's leading industrial groups .
20 On one level Affliction is the story of how a man named Wade Whitehouse , living in a New Hampshire milltown , comes to be a murderer .
21 It did not help that the ‘ Hitler Diaries ’ , the story of how a forger fooled British and German newspapers as well as reputable historians with amateurish fakes purporting to be the German leader 's handwritten diaries , was currently on television .
22 This is the story of how a woman made of iron emerged from the depths of a grocer 's shop in Grantham and , speaking with a strange tongue given to her by the God of Graven Images , Sir Gordon Reece , held a nation under her spell .
23 The emplacement of over a million tonnes of alkali-rich cementitious material into a saturated groundwater environment would be likely to make the groundwater more alkaline .
24 How our lives have changed in the course of just a few decades .
25 In fact , there is no reason why ( e.g. ) homosexuals should not afford accountability and care to their partners , in the course of either a long relationship or a very short one .
26 It was noticeable that there was a willingness on the part of quite a number of voters to express as many preferences as there were candidates and the comment was sometimes made that while it was not too difficult to decide which candidates should be given first and early preferences and which candidates should be given last and later preferences it was less easy to decide the order of preference in which the middle range of candidates should be placed .
27 The loss of just a handful of Democratic seats could create an effective Republican majority on specific issues , and could even put that chamber under Republican control .
28 In July 1977 , Revco Drug Stores , one of America 's largest discount drug chains , was found guilty of computer-generated double-billing schemes that resulted in the loss of over a half-million dollars in Medicaid funds to the Ohio Department of Public Welfare ( Vaughan 1980 ) .
29 Many small birds have escaped with the loss of only a few feathers because of a smartly delivered peck with a sharp beak .
30 Miraculously , however , the books hold together , with the loss of only a few pages , until the end of the year .
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