Example sentences of "[art] [noun] and [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As they say it would have been all over the village the smell and everything it is wrong .
2 This is not the case and anyone who receives such a call from this man , Roy O'Day , is asked to pass the information to the Membership Secretary at Easton House so that this apparently unethical practice may be stopped .
3 The Earl of Nottingham , a Tory who was to make his peace with the Revolution , nevertheless opposed the invitation , condemning it as " high treason , in violation of the Laws … and that allegiance which I ow 'd to the Soveraigne and which I had confirm 'd by my solemn oath " .
4 She talked with Emma about the chart and what it was for and put it in the kitchen where Emma could see it clearly .
5 To enter you must ring a bell , which sounds like a fire alarm and summons the Securicor men who guard the building and whom it is a criminal offence to ‘ obstruct in execution of the Immigration Act ’ .
6 It 's of erm , photo coloured photograph of , it 's either a bloke or a woman , you ca n't tell , from there to about there , so you can see all the hair and everything it 's got on the skin H I V positive .
7 They want the driver and anyone who saw the accident to contact them at Group 4 Traffic on 051 777 5559 .
8 I deplore the recent attacks by Ministers and others on the association and what it is doing .
9 That sets out the growth of the savings and which it contains in the report with paragraph and appendix reference numbers on them and it sets out for each of the groups , their proposed budgets .
10 You 've had the vote and who you 've put in .
11 The terms under which Truman created the NSA and what it was meant to do are still supposed to be secret even today .
12 It can either be looking at the animal as an observer , in which case you can talk about the animals and what they are doing .
13 Some Divisions and individual members criticised the NEC and what it did but were not prepared to do anything or offer constructive advice .
14 This is not to say that the National Executive Committee of the ruling party allows Nyerere total control of the party and therefore of government policy ; in fact there have always been a number of important policy issues which Nyerere has had to argue through the NEC and which he has not always won .
15 Well er if you looked at the I 'll give you one or two averages and and I have to say that these are figures that are a mixture of what we know from the industry and what we what we know from our own company .
16 ‘ My experience at The Dorchester and what I know from the Four Seasons Inn on the Park ( Four Seasons recently acquired the Regent Group ) , shows me that there is a market which appreciates the best service and is prepared to pay £200 a night and more for it . ’
17 We want the capital and revenue spending of Government more clearly identified , so that we can judge the balance of investment for the future and what we spend today .
18 I mean I 'm not saying he 's alcoholic but he goes out with the lads and he you know he 'll he 'll sort of thud up the stairs .
19 Dead Poets Society was quite a surprise film treat when we got back to the Farm , but as we watched , I noticed a certain relationship with the storyline and what we had been talking about .
20 Not just the songs and what they mean to people , but all the silly little things we 've done , like playing for no money so someone else could have some — and selling T-shirts for less money than we could have . ’
21 follow-up notes including a note of a date to telephone if you have not received any news from the interview and what you have learned from the interview ( see p. 63 follow-up for interviewees ) .
22 Having to check your watch will have a bad effect on the way you handle the interview and what you learn from it .
23 It may take anywhere from two to five or six hours , depending on the wood and the wind and what you had for breakfast and things like that .
24 GO ON GO ON GO ON … ’ their voices seemed as harsh and frightening as the sky and as chilly cold as the wind and whatever they said he could n't , he knew he could n't .
25 Erm , it 's extremely highly automated both in respect of the agents and the reporting and everything which er says will actually be very good for them .
26 car conked out so Vicki stayed with the car and her who we were going to take a walk in Ruddington , and I walked home with her to get Malcolm to go over with the other car .
27 But this is the result and I I think it 's very creditable .
28 In most competitions I was tense ; I was racing , I was aware of the opposition and what they were doing .
29 ‘ He was very sweet about it , he told me how much he liked the presents and what he and his dad were doing .
30 Bedroom has got a , it 's in an alcove so you 'll have that piece where it 's bottom of the stairs or wherever , I mean , the , stand on slip mats you 're gon na get that because of the , the airing cupboard is part of the hall , part of the bedroom and nothing you can do about that one , and on the wall it 's just gon na be one length of each room , cut off , perfect , , actually they do n't normally do that , they usually just the measurement , cos I not , never understood why they do n't have measurements there all standard , you guarantee use the one strip of another roll
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