Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [that] [vb mod] be " in BNC.

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1 This step consists of identifying in detail what is required to get from here to there : the activities that must be completed , the resources that must be allocated , the relationships that must be in place , the management structures that are necessary for the transition , and the rewards that must exist .
2 This is why in Perth Matthew Gloag and Son Limited have been already planning the activities that will be run before , during and after the event for The Famous Grouse .
3 This is the initial action , the first step , and , for the writer , it can determine the whole nature of the response that will be made because it imposes , almost unconsciously , a straightjacket on the thought , development and structure that will thereafter be pursued . "
4 ‘ If Elinor is unable to live in Saracen , the trustees might consider it an unjustifiable expense : apart from the income that might be generated by the capital that 's tied up in the place , keeping five full-time domestic staff members and three secretaries would no longer be viable .
5 Firstly , although every Australian has an equal right to be treated in a public hospital , the income that can be derived from treating a privately insured patient is greater than that for treating a public patient in the same facilities .
6 It may hold within it the memories of the lives it has fostered , and the foreknowledge of the forms that will be rooted there .
7 Some of the most important fossils are extremely tiny : these will be discussed in a later chapter , and what follows is concerned with the forms that can be recognized from hand specimens .
8 In this single speech , Law foreshadowed the development of the party for the next fifteen years ; the strategic dilemma over relations with the other parties after the war , the need to make real concessions to make a coalition workable , the openings that could be created by a national leader of independent reputation ( Baldwin as it turned out ) , and the outcome when the moderate men of all parties came together in 1931 .
9 If professions have an implied contract with society which gives them ‘ status , authority and privilege ’ then society wants certain assurances in return … skill is not enough , there must be a code of ethics which indicates how clients and patients should be served and the attitudes that should be accepted …
10 Perhaps the most crucial recommendation is that relating to the funding that will be available for community care after April 1993 .
11 If the LEA 's decision is that it should determine the provision that should be made , it must make a statement of the child 's special educational needs , in a form prescribed by regulation .
12 He imagined with pleasure the bollocking that would be administered to the men who had been on duty the previous night .
13 It can give moral support and advice on numerous problems connected with your and your parent 's rights to various types of State benefits and services , the support that may be available to you from voluntary bodies , and help in planning ahead for accommodation if this proves necessary when your parent dies .
14 Fourth , there is a general duty to report on matters arising from the accounts that should be brought to the attention of the council and the public .
15 Here , the researcher explores how the foraging patterns develop in a similar way to the patterns that can be produced on a computer by following simple , repetitive rules .
16 The craft of weaving requires threads that can be bound together , the skill to combine them , and knowledge of the patterns that can be formed .
17 Let me put it another way , if we lived in a magic world , and were n't having things like essays and package deals together , and any officer was being asked to forecast the money that would be needed for the sensible and , and virile implementation of five B , would you arrive at a figure of about thirty thousand pounds or not ?
18 More of these remarkable aircraft , and many new weapons , could be built with just part of the money that could be saved by scrapping the enormously expensive B-1s and B-52s .
19 in the money that will be spent in the valleys of south Wales ?
20 The Japanese know only too well of the dangers that can be posed by Hong Kong 's ‘ expatriate ’ rugby community in their bid to tread the same path for the next World Cup .
21 The second group of species common on Sheffield 's wasteland are the invertebrates that can be described as synanthropic , or culture-favoured .
22 Extant interpretations of this diptych , however , vary radically , and the case that will be argued here appears to be the least orthodox view , at least to judge by the published criticism of the last thirty years or so .
23 Will my hon. Friend confirm that he received representations from both the British Tourist Authority and the English tourist board about the damage that would be done to the industry by the restrictions on part-time working and on working hours which are so beloved of Labour ?
24 According to the NRA , the net present value of the damage that would be caused by flooding , and hence the benefit accruing , has been calculated using a number of variables , and generally lies between £41 million and £69 million .
25 We are all aware of the damage that can be done by threatening to ‘ call a policeman ’ or ‘ fetch the bogeyman ’ , but many more casual phrases — never intended as a threat — can do just as much harm .
26 Branson did not need them to tell him the damage that could be done to the airline 's reputation by a story appearing about engine failure on the day before the inaugural flight .
27 Will he warn the British people of the damage that could be done to them and the danger to their way of life and democracy ?
28 To most people it was only the text that could be found lacking .
29 This , it will now be seen , can be justified not only by necessary limitations of space , but by the advantage that can be gained in many respects from sacrificing generality in favour of contextual particularity .
30 In reality husbands demand meals at specific times , small children cry when their stomachs are empty , the hour that might be spent cooking competes with the hour that ought to be spent washing the floor or changing the beds .
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