Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [to-vb] for his " in BNC.

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1 As the argument was brought to an end by Dubroca 's resignation , Ferrasse enraged his countrymen by revealing that one of the English IRB representatives , Albert Agar , had demanded that Dubroca be brought before the Board to account for his behaviour .
2 Mr Lamont , who will be sipping at the despatch box from Highland Spring water and Highland Park whisky , has broken the traditional Treasury silence in the run-up to the Budget to fight for his political survival by stating publicly he wants to remain as Chancellor .
3 " Where I , or more persons who are present together use or threaten unlawful violence for a common purpose and the conduct of them ( taken together ) is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety , each of the persons using unlawful violence for the common purpose is guilty of riot . "
4 " Where three or more persons who are present together , use or threaten unlawful violence and the conduct of them ( taken together ) is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety , each of the persons using or threatening violence is guilty of violent disorder . "
5 This is intended to penalise fighting in that " a person is guilty of affray if he uses or threatens violence towards another and his conduct is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety . "
6 ‘ ( 1 ) A person is guilty of affray if he uses or threatens unlawful violence towards another and his conduct is such as would cause a person of reasonable firmness present at the scene to fear for his personal safety . ’
7 Mr Lanaghan returned to the scene to look for his attackers about 10 times … because he felt the police had little chance of success .
8 Hodgskin fathered seven children , and the need to provide for his family may explain his failure to produce any major work after 1832 .
9 The commander of a ship , however , had additional perquisites which added to the value of his appointment , for it has been claimed that he could make as much as £1,500 in a single voyage from the fares paid by passengers , while he even had the right to sell for his own profit at the end of the voyage the dunnage , that is the bamboos and rattans employed to keep the cargo from shifting .
10 ‘ Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life , his home and his correspondence ’ ( Article 8 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of thought , conscience and religion ’ ( Article 9 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of expression ’ ( Article 10 ) ; ‘ everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others ’ ( Article 11 ) .
11 The European Convention on Human Rights With the challenge to the extra-legal procedures having failed in the English courts , the matter was referred to Strasburg where it was argued that the British practice violated Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights which provides that everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life , his home , and his correspondence .
12 Deborah Sherwin , prosecuting , said Mr Holloway was able to pick out Eyles after police took him around the town to look for his assailant .
13 His poor , hard suffering wife used to work every day at the laundry to pay for his excesses .
14 THE wife of Baghdad prisoner Paul Ride returned to Britain yesterday and renewed calls on the Government to press for his release .
15 The milkman only ever knocks on the door to ask for his money when he 's two hours earlier than usual and he 's in a chirpy , joking and whistling mood — while you 've got an awful hangover and no loose change .
16 Athelstan felt pleased , even more so as the great frost had been broken by this sudden bright snap as if Christ himself wanted the weather to improve for his great feast day .
17 Duncan stood up , left some Swiss francs on the table to pay for his coffee and walked back into the hotel .
18 Though the artist was ill with tuberculosis and had no money to pay for his keep , Marama looked after him while he painted her over and over again ; sometimes nude , sometimes dressed , and nearly always against the background of island scenery — near the waterfalls and the secret pools , in dells that laced the volcanic slopes , in the village market , in the main street of Anani .
19 There is no need to fear for his sanity .
20 After another good quarter , Ken ‘ Godfather ’ Burkinshaw , Area Manager for Pest Control North East instructed his hit man Barry White to organise a day to remember for his sales team .
21 Let it go before someone starts a fund to pay for his defence .
22 He is the one with the knowledge and power to bring in the right instruments at the right time , of ten just by raising a hand to reach for his telephone .
23 In Richard III Clarence has every reason to fear for his life , since he has been imprisoned in the Tower of London .
24 The Second Son opened the majlis door , greeted the doctor and called a servant to send for his father .
25 A fellow Sinn Fein councillor , Joe Austin , said the attack might not have happened had Mr McGuigan been allowed a licence for a gun to use for his personal protection .
26 he has a burly pair of shoulders and an inclination to go for his shots .
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