Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [to-vb] that [prep] " in BNC.

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1 You had to be in on the script meetings and the rehearsals to realize that underneath that company executive exterior lurked a funny man who took it all very seriously indeed .
2 Where a court is considering whether a provision does or does not cover X the rule will not admit the parliamentary history of the provision to demonstrate that at no stage in the parliamentary proceedings was there any suggestion that the provision covered X. It remains to be seen how long judges in the United Kingdom will be able to require negative evidence from parliamentary material to establish that an admissible statement is an expression of parliamentary intention , but exclude such evidence as an aid to construction .
3 Through the firm and persuasive advocacy of Marsh he was eventually permitted to incept , but the case provoked the university to decree that in future no scholar who had not ruled in arts could proceed to a degree in theology : a statute which would engender recurrent disputes between the friars and the university .
4 If this is the case , the European Court held that it must permit the applicant to establish that since obtaining his/her qualifications , he/she had gained further knowledge and qualifications to bring him/her up to the necessary standard .
5 There is a good deal of evidence elsewhere in the Digest to show that in civil-law dispositions too intention was regarded as the key to application of a condition or a term ; and this goes back as early as Pegasus .
6 A single 30-ton sauropod corpse would have lasted Tyrannosaurus for three years , leading the Halsteads to surmise that among other anatomical reasons T. Rex was a slow-moving scavenger , incapable of moving faster than 2 mph ( 4 kph ) .
7 If man has evolved to maintain his selfish genes , why can not he be happy to do just that and to fulfil the other biological drives like curiosity , sociability and the desire to dominate that at one time presumably aided the survival of his genes ?
8 ‘ On the other hand , joining the Official List could have serious implications for many USM companies , such as the potential loss of inheritance tax reliefs and the need to ensure that at least 25% of shares are held by the public , rather than 10% , which has been permitted on the USM . ’
9 Times were changing ; the popes had abolished the use of chrism in the imperial anointing , had denied the authority of kings over priests ; the time would shortly come when the popes themselves claimed to be vicars of Christ , and interpreted the phrase to mean that in the last analysis all earthly authority was mediated through them , not through kings .
10 ‘ It is simply wrong for the Government to suggest that on the basis of these raw figures it 's possible to make valid comparisons . ’
11 The hare , either out of forgetfulness or malice , distorted the message to say that as the Moon rose and died away so Man should die and rise no more .
12 Neither effect is large , but the result is sufficiently different for us to feel uncomfortable about averaging the two effects ; it would not do justice to the situation to say that on average there was no effect of education once age was controlled .
13 ‘ It is important for the churches to realise that in a pluralistic , secularised society they can not exert influence by moral or dogmatic dictates ’ , the report stressed .
14 Even though we have just proved the equivalence of the concepts of primeness and of irreducibility in Z we ask the reader to note that in the following theorem the concept of irreducibility is associated with the existence of a decomposition of the asserted kind whereas the property of primeness is used to establish the uniqueness of this decomposition .
15 It will probably not surprise the reader to learn that at the outset of the course serious gaps in participants ' knowledge were identified .
16 She used every trick to ensure that at 50 she looks no more than 30 .
17 One does not have to be a Marxist to observe that by comparison something seems to have gone badly wrong in the capitalist societies of the Western world over the last two decades .
18 It is no exaggeration to add that among graduates of the Department , Noel Thomas remains the member of staff who is remembered with most affection .
19 ‘ I 've always thought you were so pretty , and that it was such a shame to hide that behind those thick glasses , and that studious pallor .
20 The period within which the charge is vulnerable is two years after its creation and there is no need to show that at the time the charge was created the company was insolvent .
21 It had been a shock to discover that for the first five years they went to homes in the country where women were paid to nurse them , and it seemed to put a stop to any hope of seeing Angel again .
22 There is absolutely no evidence to suggest that by taking away advertising you will , you will er , cut down smoking .
23 ‘ It took me a while to realise that of course I am not really opening a window : something is zooming forward and appearing out of nothing .
24 More significantly , perhaps , it also means that no attempt may be made in the course of a prosecution to determine that in their investigations the authorities have committed one or more criminal offences .
25 These clips are a triumph of form over content , and by the time you reach the four live songs that close this boxful of banging and shouting , it 's a relief to know that at least this is roughly what they 're really like when they 're not busy being hyperactive .
26 And even though I know I 'll be there to support her , I ca n't do anything to help her , and for a man to admit that to himself is really hard .
27 But it would be a mistake to believe that from the beginning Baldwin exercised all the power and merely allowed MacDonald to sit in impotent glory in 10 Downing Street .
28 There was no reason to suppose that in proceedings under Order 5 , rule 5 , it was intended to enable a named representative defendant to claim against a member of the represented class without complying with the requirements of the county court rules .
29 There is no reason to suppose that in Harlingdon Ltd such an exclusion clause would not have been maintained , especially since it would hardly be likely to deter art experts from using their skills in the market place to discover masterpieces .
30 They it 's simple , it 's nice , it 's elegant and it 's not an item at all unless you have a further premise that the world itself is simple , nice and elegant and you have no reason to believe that at all , but since that applies across all sides , I think linguistics is in no worse shape .
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