Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [coord] [indef pn] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 As they say it would have been all over the village the smell and everything it is wrong .
2 This is not the case and anyone who receives such a call from this man , Roy O'Day , is asked to pass the information to the Membership Secretary at Easton House so that this apparently unethical practice may be stopped .
3 It 's of erm , photo coloured photograph of , it 's either a bloke or a woman , you ca n't tell , from there to about there , so you can see all the hair and everything it 's got on the skin H I V positive .
4 They want the driver and anyone who saw the accident to contact them at Group 4 Traffic on 051 777 5559 .
5 LET us have no patience with the enemy or anyone whose veins carry his blood . ’
6 that she could could make the tea or something you know , him having put the cups out and everything and I I put the teapot there and said put two tea bags in it and she just
7 Might not be it might be equipment out of the ambulance or something you do n't know .
8 Erm , it 's extremely highly automated both in respect of the agents and the reporting and everything which er says will actually be very good for them .
9 All sorts of different people he said I would never ever buy any beans he said cos of this chappie who used to work they used to unless you change over the tin or something he used to spit in the tins .
10 and if you got to change the wheel or anything you got a , there 's some clips , you undo the clips down the driver and the back hand comes off with the wheel
11 Bedroom has got a , it 's in an alcove so you 'll have that piece where it 's bottom of the stairs or wherever , I mean , the , stand on slip mats you 're gon na get that because of the , the airing cupboard is part of the hall , part of the bedroom and nothing you can do about that one , and on the wall it 's just gon na be one length of each room , cut off , perfect , , actually they do n't normally do that , they usually just the measurement , cos I not , never understood why they do n't have measurements there all standard , you guarantee use the one strip of another roll
12 He was aware that he was infuriating Ludovico by his opposition to the plan but everything he knew about his friend convinced him that the idea of a whirlwind marriage was wrong and could end only in disaster .
13 It was n't the look of somebody who had won the jackpot but somebody who looked spiritually fulfilled as well . ’
14 Nobody likes to have their freedom taken away from them , but all the abuse and everything they threw at me — it just made me stronger each time .
15 He made no reference to the separation and everyone who spoke to him avoided the subject .
16 Course with the winter and everything you see you ca n't do much outside .
17 The wearing of breathing apparatus , although necessary , was known to be risky ; the trapped men were not accustomed to the equipment and anyone who has used it knows how alarming and claustrophobic the experience can be ; the effect can be a compelling desire to rip off the apparatus and if one of the trapped miners was to do so while passing through the gas in Bank mine , death would be almost instantaneous .
18 but , but that 's , that 's that 's easily remedied if you could get a er a driving licence holder to take them oh a volunteer driving licence holder among one of the parents or somebody who could take the children , er , periodically in the bus to visit the hospital to do this sort of thing .
19 But that 's that 's perhaps easily remedied , if you could get a er a driving licence holder to take them , who , a volunteer driving licence holder , among one of the parents or somebody who could take the children at periodic intervals to visit the hospital to do this sort of thing .
20 For Alfred Watkins , it was not a sudden flash of inspiration from the beyond but something which had been building up within the deeper levels of his being throughout a lifetime of contact with his native countryside .
21 The religious police seem to be very active at the moment and everybody who enters or leaves Pat 's compound is searched .
22 The group and anyone who wishes to join meets at 9.45am in Nun 's Close car park , Richmond , on Saturday to catch a train at Ribblehead to Horton-in-Ribbledale before making an eight-mile walk back via Sulber Nick , Alum Pot , Selside and Gauber .
23 He loved the place and everyone it involved .
24 I 'll have , have to do that later for you because you wo n't be doing it then , this lesson next year , and if your pots do n't go up in the kiln I will be glazing for you , so of course you see the colour and everything we do n't have the time to do that , it 's a shame , well actually they 'll look very smart just with the glaze on , but I 'll try and get that done for you , okay , can you put your hand up if there is
25 Fortunately they did n't knock me on the head or anything which they could have done , could n't they ?
26 It 's a bit of a bummer really but you know when you 've got it on and you 're talking , cos I was telling jokes and you get carried away and you start thinking wah and you start telling all the jokes and everything there 's a , a lot of swearing on this tape , a lot of swearing , a lot of swearing .
27 I phoned Kevin , I 've got Kevin 's mum and dad 's phone number off Dave and phoned at home but he 's gone out for the day or something they said .
28 About 60 members and their friends are heading off to Whitehead for the day and anyone who would like to join them should contact Billy ( tel Belfast 423740 ) for further details .
29 This was immediately prior to the Nicholson ‘ star ’ era ; the wave of which he rode the crest was beginning to build and it is interesting to chronicle for a moment some of the events leading up to his ‘ discovery ’ as a major Hollywood personality — a hero of the age and one who , as we have seen , was much influenced by the existentialist prophecies of Kerouac , which were now , finally , coming home to roost in middle-class America and elsewhere .
30 There is a difference between a project which never gets off the ground and one which suddenly goes bad .
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