Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [coord] [adv prt] over " in BNC.

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1 Down through the old meat-market streets , into the tunnel with its rows of lights like neon stitching and its shiny cream tiles , up into Venus , then round the western edge of the harbour and back over the bridge to C Street .
2 Her house was falling down , a tree growing out of the chimney , and purple buddleia all summer from the guttering and up over her windowsills .
3 They are well preserved and maintained and the rampart walks are accessible , giving interesting views into the town and out over the surrounding countryside .
4 He used to stick the stake in the hurdles and up over your back and the next pound , but the trouble was that you know what that slippery , just what 's left of the swede in the ground , when the stubble 's trodden in the mud , well the mud and the rain and you 've got to carry those , your stakes in the other hand and you 've got to get over those hurdles to set the pack .
5 On his feet were huge settee springs and he bounced onto the grassy ground then high into the air and back over the wall again .
6 Then , with her back to the door , she sprinkled the rest of the contents of the bowl high into the air and out over the edge of the roof .
7 Narrowing my eyes against the Atlantic glitter I could see the line of a path that climbed from the bay and on over the headland to the west .
8 Since last year 's season of tests , one cyclone , Reva , has swept right across the atoll and on over the nearby Gambier islands .
9 Not today , however , and now my route took me off the road by a stile and up over the hill by an old quarry track .
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