Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The response then of these people to reform and negotiation — a resounding No .
2 Once , as she was heading towards the gate ( thus walking in the direction opposite to that which Agnes was to take somewhat later , followed by the gaze of her unfortunate schoolfriend ) , the secretary turned , smiled and lifted her arm out in the air in an unexpected gesture , easy and flowing .
3 However , tachistoscopic half-field studies with normal subjects suggest that for sinistrals the presence of familial left handedness reduces perceptual asymmetry for non-verbal as for verbal tasks ( Gilbert , 1977 ; Albert and Obler , 1978 ) or shifts the asymmetry in the direction opposite to that for dextrals ( Schmuller and Goodman , 1980 ) .
4 Within each handedness group the difference between female inverters and non-inverters was in the direction opposite to that predicted by Levy and Reid but , for males , the difference was in the predicted direction .
5 As he will be aware , for the most part attacks have been going in the direction opposite to that to which he drew attention .
6 The writer both of that editorial and the weekly Sunday Times TV feature was an expatriate who seemed unaware of the cultural gap between the content of TVZ programmes and the environment of Zambia .
7 give you the sack just like that
8 Hobbes found it remarkable that some , but not all , things had conscious awareness and perception : ‘ Of all the phenomena or appearances which are near us , the most admirable is apparition itself … namely , that some natural bodies have in themselves the patterns almost of all things , and others of none at all . ’
9 To pool the increase in salary from 1 April 1991 and distribute the money equally among all union members .
10 It is important to note in particular that although much is said and written about directives ( as indeed will be the case later in this article ) , they are much less numerous than regulations , which appear in effect as the most frequently used Community legislative instrument .
11 After a day of legal argument , the judge said it would be necessary to start the case again with another jury .
12 The fans have created a special Anglo-Gallic chant for him , and they call for his reinstatement when he is not in the team , as was the case here for all but the last six minutes .
13 For a moment she wanted to rebel , to pull back from the brink even at this stage of the game .
14 If one is willing to discard the possibility of Picasso having focused his attention on these particular heads in the Louvre — and this is unlikely since they were not shown on the ground floor like the Osuna reliefs , the Dama de Elche and other important Iberian pieces , but in a small room in the basement together with some twenty other heads — his acquisition of them is useful in establishing a chronological sequence for the painting of the different sections of the Demoiselles .
15 ‘ To constitute an appropriation of goods to the contract , the parties must have had , or be reasonably supposed to have had , an intention to attach the contract irrevocably to those goods . ’
16 two fifty to ten twenty nine , well , come back to the same sort of time , the hour just before that , say two fifty to nine fifty , what would two fifty to nine fifty be ?
17 To the extent the seller uses it to manufacture stock for the buyer ahead of any orders he does so at his own risk .
18 Hence the attempt to ‘ hold the scales evenly between those who were allowed to develop their land and those who were not ’ was abandoned , but the use of 1947 development values as a ‘ permanent basis for compensation ’ safeguarded the public purse .
19 When satisfied with his progress he gave the products away to any whom the doctors thought would benefit from them .
20 He says that th the communists have , have got have n't got the erm the reasons right for this and that they ne if they do n't get them right then they , they are going to , to , it will be bad for the revolution , they need
21 Banks in Britain have suffered in recent times from the recession just like any other business .
22 It consists of the registered graduates of the University together with all the members of Senate , the teaching staff and certain other officers ( such as the Vice-Chancellor ) .
23 ensuring abundant light , and ventilation in every part of the building together with that character of sober dignity which should ( we venture to consider ) characterise a building of national importance , placed upon one of the most commanding sites in the Metropolis , and intended to correspond with structures of equal grandeur and extent .
24 She had clung to the hope even for that length of time , but it had never happened .
25 and then do your other half of knot , reef knot and tuck it in straight away , you get your pin ready , have it on , either on the table or ready like that , now if you 've got too much material ever you just fold that down , there , if that 's too much , which is n't too much with Denise because it 's the right size sling , sometimes you have to improvise and then you fold if forward and back , firmly , take the pin and put it , put your two fingers down between the casualty so that your fingers are apart and there 's a space between your fingers so you can stick the pin in and out again without any danger , if you put the fingers apart like that , if you do stick the pin in yourself and draw blood would you please throw the pin away , as a matter of automatic hygiene , it must n't be used again once it 's been stuck into somebody
26 Cos you have to have it so the gas so high , it must be really boiling hot and you just stir fry the vegetables all round this
27 Having learned to hold the camcorder still for these static scenes , and having resisted all temptations to pan the camcorder to and fro to ‘ get it all in ’ you can now move in for some closer shots .
28 Once a valid password is supplied , you will gain automatic access to that module without having to supply the password again until such time as the password is changed .
29 Once a valid password is supplied , you will gain automatic access to that module without having to supply the password again until such time as the password is changed .
30 Once a valid password is supplied , you will gain automatic access to that module without having to supply the password again until such time as the password is changed .
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