Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] [noun pl] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 These include the investigation of protein-nucleic acid interactions associated with the recognition of specific targets by restriction and modification enzymes , the activities of proteins involved in recombination and the processing of pre-messenger RNA by spliceosomes .
2 Treurnicht also promised the support of his party in the defence of homelands threatened by the ANC .
3 The benefits offered by the AA are not as substantial as they may , at first sight , appear since the free legal representation scheme may be withheld altogether at the discretion of the Association ; the AA will not negotiate in respect of the defence of claims made against members ; the AA can not give advice or act where the Association or any of its subsidiary companies may be involved .
4 While on the part of the state there has been a continual and almost unlimited welcome for the mining multinationals , there has been an increasing sophistication in the response by communities confronted by them .
5 She taught women to embroider designs she herself had made as an addition to the income of families hit by the destruction of the vines by the oidium disease in the 1850s .
6 Apart from the addition of variables derived from the two new questions , the other tables do not exactly correspond .
7 ( iii ) The eggs deposited in the spring develop slowly to L3 ; this rate of development becomes more rapid towards mid-summer as temperatures increase , and as a result , the majority of eggs deposited during April , May and June all reach the infective stage from mid-July onwards .
8 But , considering that the majority of reports originated from developed countries , and in view of the incompleteness of registration of deaths in developing countries and the quality of reporting on causes of death , this must necessarily be a low estimate .
9 A survey conducted in the United States in 1981 revealed that directors considered the feature that made a company most attractive as a take-over target was that it had ‘ excellent management ’ and the majority of respondents regarded management inefficiency as something which would actually put them off .
10 With reference to treatment involving the prescribing of other drugs , the majority of respondents expressed concern about the addictive nature of the drugs themselves .
11 Results show that the majority of students involved in the DipHE courses progressed to a degree course of some kind , and that no less than 75% of mature students achieved a degree , and 85% of the ‘ under-qualified ’ on entry achieved either a degree or a DipHE .
12 The majority of buckets found in early Anglo-Saxon graves are of stave construction , bound with bronze and whose construction requires the same control over materials as a cooper .
13 It will be immediately obvious that : ( a ) The majority of materials outlined above are bulky and therefore expensive to double-handle .
14 After closure , the majority of parents expressed preference for the larger schools now attended by their children , though their links with the school had diminished .
15 The majority of parents reported being presented covertly or overtly with an opt-out clause when the diagnosis was first made , often couched in terms of : ‘ Leave the baby here for a couple of days , go home and think about it ’ ( ‘ it ’ being unspecified ) .
16 The majority of members travelled by train and then cab , the fares for which were a regular source of comment .
17 The Secretary of State said that if the majority of Members elected from Scotland were Scottish National party Members , the Government would regard that as a vote for independence and accept it .
18 On the second part , well nobody feels more strongly that I do about the problems of noise pollution and I agree entirely there er with what councillor has to say but may I remind members that this council did have a full service for a six months period , you all seem to have forgotten that , we did have a full service , an experimental one which ran for six months , er we were advised by the officers at the end of that period it was not necessary to run the full seven day a week service , it was not necessary we are still being advised that that is not necessary , that is the advice we were given at the last committee meeting and er the majority of members supported that .
19 However , on the eve of the referendum , the majority of priests preached against abortion .
20 The majority of women employed there work a 15-hour week and consequently do n't pay a National Insurance stamp and lose maternity rights and pay .
21 The majority of women remained in the ‘ tribal trustlands ’ as subsistence farmers , relying on remittances to supplement their meagre income from farming .
22 The majority of authorities relied on ad hoc arrangements when providing personal assistance , mainly consisting of utilising the home care service .
23 Examining Groups are encouraged to extend the scope of what is traditionally regarded as the ‘ canon ’ of English Literature in recognition that awareness of the richness of cultural diversity is one of the rewards of the study of literature : ‘ The majority of texts studied must be literary texts originally written in English which may , for example , include American and Commonwealth writing , but works in translation may also be included .
24 The appointment of Fyfe to Warrington in 1921 was , however , the exception rather than the rule in the 1920s when the majority of missioners appointed or holding the posts were clergymen or hearing persons .
25 In most of the non-militant fields , on the other hand , ballots were held , support for the strike was low , and the majority of miners worked through the entire period of the dispute .
26 During the siege , the majority of prisoners sided with Chavez , who hosted a banquet for them before surrendering for medical treatment .
27 The characters upon which these subdivisions are based are as follows : the nature of the arm spine articulation surface of the lateral arm plate , the SEM has revealed that the majority of genera studied in this family have one form , a comma-shaped tubercule ( Fig. 13 ) but one genus , Ophiomyces , does not .
28 The majority of blacks occupied the most menial and subservient occupational statuses , being employed as agricultural labourers and as unskilled and semi-skilled manual workers in industry .
29 Even if the majority of exercises employed are basically the same , the results will vary according to whether you work hard for short periods or do easier work for a longer stretch .
30 The majority of fittings shown on this page are available in both capillary and compression versions for copper pipe .
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