Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun sg] always [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Excluded groups and those just above the income limit always felt aggrieved and pressed for inclusion .
2 When there was only one bathroom , at the end of the day 's fishing , the board master always had the right of the first , peaty splash .
3 There is always a shortage and the Milk Bank always needs new donors .
4 In a way , though , it is a pity the diesel/petrol argument always revolves around costs .
5 However , the user MANAGER always remains at the top of the LIFESPAN system 's user tree and can never lose his unique privileges .
6 However , the user MANAGER always remains at the top of the LIFESPAN system 's hierarchy and can never lose his unique privileges .
7 However , the user MANAGER always remains at the top of the LIFESPAN system 's user tree and can never lose his unique privileges .
8 The rock sensibility always included a strand of folk ideology — folk musicians and folk ways , particularly the celebration of ‘ live ’ performance , were central to the development of rock in both Britain and the United States .
9 Slicing sausages should be stored in a chiller with the cut end always covered .
10 The boat race always draws a lot of attention and this year is no exception .
11 The Home Secretary always escorts the Queen to the door and could not possibly have been at the Cenotaph before her . ’
12 But the home government always resisted this simple but dangerous solution , passing up chances to expand territorially if that meant the helots could stab them in the back — or eat them raw .
13 There are some artists who rarely write their own material ( Cliff Richard is the classic example ) , and as a result , the specialist songwriter always has a place in music publishing companies .
14 The heath authority always denied negligence .
15 And er when the anchor man always had his hand on the rope you know and you 'd hear him saying , Anchor coming home sir anchor coming home sir .
16 The station director always takes a nap at this time of the day . ’
17 The module manager always has access privileges to the module , and in addition , he is ultimately responsible for its modification as part of a Design Change ( DC ) , its storage off-line and eventual deletion .
18 The soft tones of the colour range always produce a successful design and the joy of using all the silvery tones is that they last so well In many cases , the silver-grey effect is created by the very small hairs on the underside of the flower or leaf , which catch the light and give a lovely overall tone to the picture .
19 There let your fish rest until you are ready to serve it : warm with a sauce of your own devising — variations on the hollandaise theme always go down well — or cold when it has cooled .
20 People that I have known through the years in the music business always knew where to find me and I never moved address .
21 For the poorer reader , however , increasing the word length always slowed the response time , with little assistance from the orthography .
22 The thought of the lunchtime buffet always cheered her up .
23 If you have spun out of cloud , the turn needle always shows the direction of the spin .
24 The railway company always intended to lease the Euston as a first-class hotel but tried at first to run the Victoria itself .
25 This is because the Form program always operates from a swatch of this size .
26 And er I know the housing office always had excuses that they had put the the report in and we were just waiting for someone to do it .
27 The recession of the 1970s hit developing countries even harder than rich ones — the shockwaves that rock the world economy always crash against the poorer nations with most violence .
28 Still , if he can manipulate his Chief Whip like Indiana manipulated his bull whip maybe today he will pull off the kind of last-minute , knife-edge victory the film hero always managed .
29 Luke 's an influential and powerful man — the film industry always has been a glamorous lure for young , hopeful girls — and he 's wealthy too .
30 The way nature always intended it to .
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