Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] [unc] he " in BNC.

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1 Erm , after the last meeting , erm I wrote to Mr Dicks of Newton Sherwood about the er electoral role they er draft one with one or two amendments , I also wrote back to the Nottinghamshire valuation tribunal , who asked us for er maps and centres of our population which we could n't supply , also wrote to the services , erm which will supply er Smiths erm bungalow on Poor Lane , informing them of our interest off Poor Lane , erm , and also to erm footpaths off this to Mr Jones about the same thing , because Poor Lane is public footpath , erm subsequently I spoke to him on the telephone and erm he advised us that erm they have an interest in it , erm , have received from Notts County Council a little booklet , which
2 Taking the piss and w he would n't get out the bloody way and I 'm trying to get through with that rack .
3 Another letter was from Robert Stephenson , son of the great George , who was the engineer to the Chester & holyhead he was eager to advance the Conway tubular bridge , and could John meet him at Conway in the coming week ?
4 It well may be that erm you know with the help that er he can be referred to , they help him keep out of trouble again , for a lot longer .
5 Cos Chris was saying things like oh his , yeah he 's been to the funeral and erm he 's all of a sudden found that he 's got loads of cousins he did n't even know about .
6 Incidentally , he was n't known as Chief Education Officer , he was Secretary for Education , he only became Chief Education Officer after the war but erm he was the Controller of Shift E and most of the education staff were on Shift E.
7 And there was a a a a lad who was about a couple of years older than me , he 'd be about twenty three , he 'd been through the War and er he was a real revolutionary , he was re and and he was very intelligent .
8 Well Notts went wide of the target on eight minutes , it was er all really set up by Gary with a little header down to Paul , inside right channel , lobbed it on to , the defence was wide open and who had n't scored this season got the very goal that he 's been wanting to score to add to his match winning performance on Saturday , when he was made the patrons ' player of the match and er he thumped the ball in the net , it was quite a blistering effort and Notts should 've settled down on that and certainly should 've settled down on twenty one .
9 So everything that would hold water was put on the stove and er he did and then it they took it out to the
10 And there was a Miss living in the croft beside and she dreamt during the night that er he he was stolen .
11 he 's either up the stairs well he came down one night right enough he was talking to his girl on the phone , she phones him through the week and er he was a bit depressed because he he had n't the money , he 's , he 's on the and he has n't really the money to give in for housekeeping plus try and get driving lessons and his daddy wo n't let him
12 Then when we come back to stand down , we came back to Tolbertstead well we was in Tolbertstead so the Tolbertstead canteen staff got some hot prepared some hot drinks and so when we come back we was able to have a hot drink and erm it was the duty of er the sergeants to see that the rifles were empty free , no am no , there was n't er there was n't one up the spout , one bullet left in the , in the rifle and er Sergeant , the barber , was checking our rifles anyway he , he was check , check , check , check and er alright he mischecked one and pulled the trigger and there was a bullet through the roof in the , in the he was holding it up or otherwise there 'd have been somebody on the floor but er he , he missed this one bullet through the canteen roof .
13 You see , he was exceptionally nice and he used to lecture at the colleges and er he was a real , very nice gentleman and er and so he , of course he , he , he took his drink across to the table with him and sometimes I took it for him it just depend and he , he wrote this book and er I forget now , perhaps you would like to read and see what he says
14 Came back door , I opened the door and er he had a big holdall you know
15 To enable him to cross examine the plaintiffs as er he sees appropriate .
16 We also want the money quicker which erm I would have thought would more than outweigh any of the so-called extra expense that you 've got and er I said we regard it as an essential sales tool to be get m better recognition in the country so er he is progressing with the applications .
17 Er I was chairman of that committee as well , View when , when , during quite a long period , until the whole system was changed to the council system like and went onto er and er there was one of our , our er officer who was in charge of welfare was a Mr who had a great knowledge of both Selkirk and Galashiels and the country and er he was known by everybody .
18 one of the top in the , the company and er he said that there are kids
19 But first of all he served his time in the smithy at and he met his wife , my grandmother in which was quite , you can quite imagine , it was just a walk up over the hills and er he met her in and er they were married .
20 I carry on with the horses , working the horses and then report to him by phone , go in the , in the office and re he 's there at the other end , knows what time I 'm gon na ring him up .
21 Ooh that No I could n't answer that er only the fact that er he 'd been in the pet business , all his life .
22 Yes , erm , that was where I was born and er then when I was five my father erm hit a bad patch and he sold the house and er he decided to become a shoemaker in Baysford .
23 Sure you know it 's , it 's a high fence but we could try to jump in and would have done the other , the farmer came with a stick and er he Useful know , no
24 erm , I have n't , I was gon na go and , I tried phoning Lorne one time I was going through to Glasgow just to see if I could , can I have a , can I have a pint with him or something , erm , just to chew it over cos he suggested you know he 'd made various helpful suggestions , in the meantime I did n't manage to meet him , but in the meantime I did manage to speak to my father-in-law who has a camcorder and er he will be more than happy to erm , he 's also got editing equipment , he would be more than happy you know , to do the home made video that we 've talked about , I need to talk to him about this because the obvious place to do will be the Lyceum on one of your shows
25 Yes that was his name , you see well , well my father , as I say , he had a stroke and er he was in , in bed in the front room for seven years , you see .
26 Yes I mean er when I s er you know when I was on the Q E Two and was chatting with a fella and er he , they 'd been , he 'd obviously been cruising before and was on this cruise and er they were going on the er another Cunard ship a few months later , and it turned out that he was a hotelier who 'd bought a hotel in Swanage some years ago , I think he 'd had about seven bedrooms when he bought it and he gradually extended it , I forget how many he did tell me , and then he had a bit of a heart er attack and er his doctor told him to , you know , well if I were you I 'd just pack in your job which he did and that was about fifteen years ago he was I du n no if he was eighty or he was approaching eighty if he was n't and was in pretty good form , he was dancing , and er , you know , I mean there money 's no object .
27 Well he , he did n't really say a lot , er they asked him a question and er he , he just turned round and said er we hope , we hope it 's er a peaceful solution , that er virtually saying he hoped it did n't come to war , and Christine turned round and said ‘ yes we want a peaceful solution ’ .
28 So er how does Paul relish the prospect of of playing up front , cos it 's a role that er he has n't played in while he 's been at County is n't it ?
29 Trouble yeah , trouble I got put off for a fortnight , on the dole , then he , I was on the dole for a week and er he cos at that time you had to appear in front of the erm , what they call the Court of Referees at the Labour Exchange , that was their Committee .
30 but erm then became , we got round to the erm question of getting the children into similar schools to the ones that they 'd been in and erm I came into this , in fact I came into all sorts of things erm well by accident then I suppose anyway not for any other reason but erm Mr erm who was the Secretary for Education , he had a Personal Assistant a chap named erm erm he was a very likeable chap erm and er a rather ec bit of an eccentric really because erm he 'd been erm , he 'd trained as a doctor and erm he 'd left the course before completing it .
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