Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] [pron] they " in BNC.

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1 And if they 're from the council or whatever , or whoever does the roads or whatever they 'll probably get in contact with him again .
2 It can either be looking at the animal as an observer , in which case you can talk about the animals and what they are doing .
3 Michael Howard , Secretary of State for Unemployment , in announcing employment action in Parliament , stated , this Government , have placed policies designed to lead to job creation and they will succeed in the future as they they have succeeded in the past .
4 Not just the songs and what they mean to people , but all the silly little things we 've done , like playing for no money so someone else could have some — and selling T-shirts for less money than we could have . ’
5 GO ON GO ON GO ON … ’ their voices seemed as harsh and frightening as the sky and as chilly cold as the wind and whatever they said he could n't , he knew he could n't .
6 In most competitions I was tense ; I was racing , I was aware of the opposition and what they were doing .
7 This enables the Bureau to find out at first hand how authorities are tackling the issue and what they need form the centre .
8 Talbot wrote texts which described the plates and what they exemplify .
9 Ken knew all the statues and who they were of . ’
10 Nobody likes to have their freedom taken away from them , but all the abuse and everything they threw at me — it just made me stronger each time .
11 I think when somebody teaches it they teach it in the premise that everybody they 're talking to is heterosexual .
12 Excitement flickered inside her like a random spark that found itself landing in a pile of dry autumn leaves as she hardly dared consider the possibilities and what they might mean for her .
13 As it turned out , the studio ‘ was n't up to much any more and half the equipment was broken ’ , but , according to Mondays ' manager Nathan McGough , ‘ a little light went on as soon as I met Chris and Tina , so I phoned them to ask what they thought of the band and what they had planned for the next couple of months ’ .
14 Similarly , younger relatives can come to the conclusion that whatever they do nothing is right or sufficient .
15 I went on my way happy after that — indeed , happier than I had been before I had seen the strange apparitions-and it occurred to me that somebody both less logical and less imaginative would have jumped to the conclusion that what they had seen were UFOs .
16 In twenty years time maybe they wo n't feel so self-conscious , but I do n't think we should lost sight of the point that what they 're getting a tiny , tiny sense of is what women , a large number of women , feel all the time .
17 There was never any question that the movies would become political or radical as the showmen were as opposed to Socialism and labour unions as their fellow American businessmen and , in any case , they remained firmly of the opinion that what they had to give their public was entertainment .
18 If they feel reasonably safe about appointing you , you 're more likely to get the job than somebody they do n't know .
19 ‘ But what I saw as the character and what they the writers saw did n't match up at all . ’
20 what 's changed is that they in in the early days we used to get the offcuts and they they were ideally they used to put those through a hogger which is a thing that breaks it down and it 's these it 's worktops
21 Rather we have to ask what was the experience which gave rise to the beliefs and which they encapsulate , however inadequately .
22 ‘ It was very interesting learning about the crew and what they did on board .
23 Strangest of all is the fact that the art itself suffers by this treatment , as the circumstances surrounding the paintings and what they signify are examined perhaps at the expense of the technical representations .
24 It was a tradition that avoided any real contemplation of the root causes of German unease ; their preference for ‘ action ’ , rested secure in the knowledge that everything they did was for the good of the nation , sanctioned by law and sanctioned by the German people .
25 I phoned Kevin , I 've got Kevin 's mum and dad 's phone number off Dave and phoned at home but he 's gone out for the day or something they said .
26 They spoke very quietly , a little awed by the secrecy of the day and what they were doing .
27 The live organic yoghourt can be the basis of some home made — the bacteria/enzymes or whatever they are so much stronger in the good quality organic live yoghourts than some of the supermarket type ) .
28 A vast new respectable society arose round the professions , dignified by the belief that what they were doing ( although it might be exorbitantly expensive ) was in pursuit of some higher calling .
29 While there is still a great deal to be done in both these fields , there are few people who are unaware of the terms and what they mean .
30 Turn right into er what is a very busy er road in any event at that time but that the dangers is that many drivers are becoming impatient with waiting their turn in the queue and what they 're doing is driving down on the wrong side of the road in order to utilise a little back road that 's a service road which runs alongside road and leads into Nightingale avenue .
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