Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ without lawful authority or reasonable excuse ’ The proof of this point is on the defence and they must prove on the balance of probabilities that the accused had it with him with lawful authority or reasonable excuse .
2 However , my enquiry was met with the response that I should not have entered the competition if I was not prepared to travel etc .
3 ‘ We had over two inches of frosty snow on our sleeping bags as it kept blowing in the tent and we could n't close the door properly .
4 but should you have , should you have doubts about that my Lord then er what we urged your Lordship to do would be in your judgment er to include a consideration of the strength of the case er your Lordship is seized of the matter now , if your Lordship er considers that there are issues of law which require clarification from the European court of justice and in competition cases all the European court candid on references is to give guidance on questions of law , your Lordship identifies questions of law which need to be i which need to be resolved and you think that it is the most appropriate course to refer a question , then we would ask that your Lordship consider in the interim the position of the , the Lloyds Act clauses there are sort to be challenged by the defences because it will be
5 And British Gas have asked us in the particular area to utilise the facilities that are in the area erm to the best , and give two hundred youngsters the opportunity that they might never have had .
6 One of the great arguments for sentencing within the community is the opportunity that it ought to give the offender to make restitution in some way for the damage or hurt that he or she has caused .
7 My Lords , erm I would like to take the opportunity if I may just to refer very briefly to one amendment of mine on page two , line eighteen after the second of insert not less than .
8 The introduction , in October of 1840 , of a Mine Club , was probably welcomed by the majority though there would always be a few who would begrudge the payments .
9 Ideally , use dimmer switches with the pendants so you can alter their intensity to suit the mood .
10 Oh that 's erm ah yes , I should try to use the calculator if I could find it on the machine !
11 Simple instances , on the other hand , are those in which the clause seems to have been adopted to cover the eventuality that there may be some defect in the will so far as the civil law is concerned .
12 Miss Poraway told the men who were unloading the trestle-tables that she would require a good one , because she ran the book-stall and always had .
13 Yes , cos they usually all water underneath there and that used to be pumped out , every so often the engine room would pump all that out and to heat any water up the cabins there used to be a , a small pump what used to pump the fresh water into the boiler and I used to have a a piece of er copper off that and just turn the steam on a little bit put it into a bucket of cold water and then instead of driving the pump that 'd go into the , the er bucket and heat the water and boil it .
14 These will be shared ownership properties whereby the purchaser will buy a percentage usually forty to fifty percent but then pay a rent on the remainder and they will er , be able to staircase to buy further parties into an outright ownership .
15 This means that the ‘ brain' of the synth has to have a certain amount of waveform information from the guitar before it can determine an actual pitch and synthesise that information accordingly .
16 He 'd come to us with numbers he wanted to get off and I 'd just play a chord on the guitar and he 'd write a number round it .
17 ‘ Now and again , tanks and armoured cars move into the crowds but they can not disperse them .
18 Some survivors from ‘ dive-in ’ accidents have confirmed that they knew it was useless to try to pull out of the dive while they could ‘ feel ’ the glider was still stalled .
19 Join a local RSPB members ' group ( get the address from the RSPB regional office ) and go on the outings if you can .
20 Many people reckon we are all a bit loony spending all our spare time going round the non-League grounds of the M/SV but I can think of one really good reason for doing it .
21 Further , it is only in the Fellowships that they will get sufficient identification with other sufferers to be able to see that there is hope for recovery when they do finally admit defeat .
22 They will follow the G and I ca n't , so it means I shall drop out of politics altogether .
23 It would have even more credibility if the Labour party would claim and set out the funding that it would provide for the national health service , which it has expressly failed to do .
24 ( 3 ) That since it could not be said that the jury would inevitably have convicted the defendant if before the trial the defence had been given the statement of the deceased 's husband and the two statements of her sister , if the jury had properly been directed with regard to evidence as to the defendant 's previous good character , and if they had received guidance from the judge on their problem concerning the evidence , the proviso to section 14(1) of the Judicature ( Appellate Jurisdiction ) Act could not be applied to uphold the conviction ; and that , accordingly , the case would be remitted to the Court of Appeal of Jamaica with the direction that it should quash the conviction and either enter a verdict of acquittal or order a new trial , whichever it considered proper in the interests of justice ( post , p. 169C–D , G–H ) .
25 Will my right hon. Friend go as far as to say that we definitely intend in the fulness of time to bring in legislation and , I hope , include in the legislation the provision that there should be at least one employee representative among pension fund trustees ?
26 May cost you just the , the cost of replacing the fuse or they might say there you are my dear , okay , no extra charge .
27 FOURTEEN months ago Matchbox announced that repeats of the TV series Thunderbirds had caught them on the hop and they would n't be able to supply any tie-in toys for Christmas 1991 .
28 I had n't even noticed the pickets and I can only presume that they had parted before me as I walked towards them as they still do today .
29 They 'd come to the feeding-place and there 'd be nothing there .
30 Er oh I did have one Polish lad who 's now left who used to go round looking for all the cans and he 'd then collect the ten p's !
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