Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] only a " in BNC.

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1 Comment on any difficulties caused by ( a ) the lack of index registers , ( b ) the presence of two instructions per word , and ( c ) the provision of only a single conditional jump instruction .
2 He won the support of only a quarter of the delegates to the Rennes congress .
3 Atrophy explains the presence of only a single well-developed anal vein in Anisopus ( Fig. 34 ) and other Diptera , while the occurrence in this genus of a single vein R2+3 , in place of the separate veins R2 and R3 , is due to coalescence .
4 This hypothesis was based on the finding of only a 30% positive response to acid perfusion in a series of 53 PSS patients .
5 At present , long-term lending is the preserve of only a handful of merchant banks , such as Mediobanca and Istituto Mobiliare Italiano , which have built strong ties with Italy 's leading industrial groups .
6 Many small birds have escaped with the loss of only a few feathers because of a smartly delivered peck with a sharp beak .
7 Miraculously , however , the books hold together , with the loss of only a few pages , until the end of the year .
8 He had been in the States for only a few months .
9 The requirements of the sectors which are expanding today bear little resemblance to the requirements of the industries of the last century , or indeed to the industry of only a few decades ago .
10 But even in the era of " free " child labour it can have mollified the condition of only a minority .
11 There can be little doubt that at the time Constantine took control of the Western empire , Christianity can have been the religion of only a minority , though perhaps not so tiny a minority as has sometimes been thought .
12 Remembering always to carry her gas mask , stumbling home through the blackout with only a narrow beam of light from her torch to help her , and going to services in churches lit only by candles with a blackout curtain over the door .
13 This definition is clarified when Sadat turns off the road through an entrance discreet enough to admit the car with only a centimetre on either side .
14 Their trick is to have a very loosely connected skin , so free from the underlying tissue that a sudden gripping pressure can break it away , leaving the killer with only a mouthful of the instantly shed skin .
15 Yet to arrive at this version , Ohmann has nullified the effect of only a few transformations : those transformations used to form coordinated sentences ( cf[5] ) , relative clauses ( cf [ 6 ] ) , and comparative clauses , together with certain deletion rules .
16 There is space at the top of the column for only a brief description of the activity .
17 In therapeutic doses ( up to 4 g a day ) paracetamol undergoes glucuronidation and sulphation in the liver with only a small amount being metabolised by cytochromes to the toxic metabolite N -acetyl- p -benzoquinone imine , which is inactivated by hepatic glutathione .
18 Whether you are perceiving the planet from only a few feet up or from around the lofty peaks of mountains and hillsides , excellent sight ( or sonar ) is almost a prerequisite : there are hosts of obstacles to circumnavigate and far distances to discern if you travel by air !
19 If a dealer has worked in the business for only a few weeks , the client has no way of telling whether he is senior or not , and some licensed dealers have taken advantage of this .
20 It may stress the past as different and difficult to know , an important corrective to those who claim to discover the past ‘ speaking ’ on the basis of only a couple of selected voices .
21 His widow , Betty , told Esquire that MacDonald worked on the team for only a year before he was fired by Hill .
22 Such large assemblages of young in the charge of only a few adults is known by the French word for a nursery — a creche .
23 Public perception of the war in Europe was of a senseless conflict fought out in the mud and filth of Flanders , with thousands killed each day for the sake of only a few yards of territory soon lost in the next offensive .
24 Above we looked at the affairs of only a single day ; and supposed the stocks offered for sale to be already in existence .
25 Given the right resources and planning , the King 's Cross project in association with Thameslink 2000 will improve rail links between Kent , Sussex and Hampshire and the north-east of England and will allow travellers from one region to visit the other with only a single change at King 's Cross .
26 Studies by McLeod , Becker , and Byrnes ( 1974 ) and Iyengar and Kinder ( 1987 ) , for example , suggest that the media set the agenda for only a part of their audience : those highly reliant on a particular news source , those low in political involvement and information , and those who are relatively inattentive to the news generally — in short , those who are marginal to politics .
27 Most of them had already breakfasted and he shared the dining-room with only a few others .
28 If this were to happen , the activation of only a proportion of suspended terms would amount to a heavy extra burden on the prisons .
29 Also in New Guinea are sympatric birds of paradise apparently dealing with fruit in a similar way , staying in the trees for only a few minutes , perhaps through fear of predators .
30 The scientists stressed that it was little more than a laboratory curiosity , the energy coming from the fusion of only a few hydrogen atoms and ‘ was scarcely enough to register on highly sensitive measuring instruments ’ ; although the process had no immediate commercial value it suggested ‘ possible industrial uses of immeasurable importance ’ .
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