Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [prep] the years " in BNC.

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1 Several hon. and hon. and learned Members who are present , some of whom have already spoken , have , like me , had the opportunity over the years in their professional lives to meet corrupt and evil people and to examine and sometimes cross-examine them in court .
2 A joint commission of the FA and Football League ordered the accounts for the years 1916 to 1918 to be produced in evidence , and when these were not forthcoming expelled the club from the League .
3 French cooperation in the EEC in the years immediately after 1958 could perhaps best be described as the lull before the storm .
4 Languages represented on the Certificate over the years have ranged from the more predictable European ones to Urdu , Hindi , Bengali , Chinese ( Mandarin and Cantonese ) , Japanese , Danish , Russian as well as English .
5 The books is more than merely route descriptions though , as Harding recounts the times over the years he 's walked the various paths , adding anecdotes , descriptions of the people and insights into the history of the area .
6 May the Hong Kong branch find inspiration in the mottoes of both the RAF and the RAFA in the years to come .
7 In a covering letter sent with the assessments , the inspector indicated that once the returns for the years were submitted , the taxpayer 's claim that he had been incorrectly assessed more than once would be accepted .
8 In this chapter , we shall look first at the laws that were available to the authorities in the years before Mrs Thatcher 's Government came into office in 1979 .
9 As a result , environmental study is virtually neglected in the curriculum in the years when it could be most meaningful and most beneficial , especially to school leavers .
10 A more fundamental change in the course over the years is the emphasis on individual development and growth within a radical perspective .
11 In the course of the years between 1310 and 1410 the spelling ( and no doubt the pronunciation ) had moved from de Foresteresheye ( by way of Fortereshey .
12 Nevertheless , in the course of the years , there were some letters that were painful , and meant for no other eyes ; and no other eyes will see them .
13 Size will evaporate in the course of the years , and new writing will blur and spread at the edges .
14 and it 's be it 's been a very fascinating job because in the course of the years , obviously one has met erm , parents and students and lecturers and erm university tutors we 've got to know quite well because erm there were all sorts of problems as you probably know with
15 In recognition of his contribution to the development of the Association over the years , and in particular the efforts he has made to keep graduates in touch through the Airthrey Journal , James MacGlone will be honoured in July by the award of the honourary degree of Master of Arts .
16 This competition was exacerbated by the factionalism of the PLO during the years 1983–6 .
17 The storage and dispensing of such material was to prove one of the more baffling , wearisome , and occasionally lucrative obsessions of the underground in the years ahead , but by the end of 1966 Sigma was petering out .
18 The swimming in the hotel pool benefited him , he told Herbert Read , but he was more and more conscious of the weight of the years .
19 The general conclusion that emerges from the data over the years , apart from 1977–9 when the questions were altered , is that there is a strong correlation between social class and self-reported morbidity — a finding which is supported by the estimates made by studies using other methods .
20 In spite of a long-established programme , with the best technical expertise in the world , the programme over the years has achieved a very mixed success .
21 Wally Smott 's mediocrity raised him above many of the managers who guided the club over the years , but Athletico reserved a bottom six position from 1951 to 1955 and Ken Mentle 's dream of League football became a nightmare .
22 Too often Kendall seems preoccupied with finding a place in the team for Alan Harper , and although he has been a great servant to the club over the years , Everton will only be a really good side when he is playing in the reserves , and I do not mean that as an insult to Alan .
23 Boris Pintar , 44 , told police he found the shells over the years while tilling near Gorizia , Italy .
24 Although the Conference reaffirmed the validity of the principles and objectives of the World Population Plan of Action , if also adopted a set of 88 recommendations for the further implementation of the Plan in the years ahead .
25 Total investment in the NFC in the years since privatization has totalled almost £700 million , whereas in state ownership investment never exceeded £25 million a year .
26 Last I have a very pleasant task to perform , namely to ask Angela to kindly present to His Lordship a token of our loving esteem for all he has done for the Guild over the years and hopefully when he wears the vestment he will say a prayer for us all — AD MULTOS ANNOS .
27 Even a Tatar Khan in the Crimea in the years before the Russian annexation of 1783–84 is said to have wished to rule in terms of ‘ enlightened ’ ideas .
28 She notes that the Heinz family has been extraordinarily generous to the gallery over the years .
29 However , they have been quite widely discussed within the CNAA over the years , particularly in the science and technology boards and committees .
30 Their latest album , Wish ( Fiction/Polydor ) , not only includes a song called Wendy Time , but it also celebrates the durability of Smith 's most precious asset , miraculously unimpaired by the passage of the years : his ability to retain a sense of wonder at each manifestation of the most basic of human emotions .
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