Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [pron] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 On recovery , Mr Hayden described the stranger to the porter who agreed that it was the same figure he had seen .
2 The flexibility of both the mode of eliciting a response and the response itself suggests that the test may be particularly suitable for children with handicaps which make comprehension or production of speech difficult .
3 If I close this week with only seven , I may only end up with one sale , and that 's not gon na to give me the income I want and big H wants so I can take her out for a Chinese .
4 However , I think the minister had something to do with the essays I wrote and the natural history notes I kept day by day besides the almost daily entries in a general diary …
5 There was unemployment going about and the man that had a certain job at making certain things were n't to keen to show the apprentice what to do or give them the recipes .
6 Nevertheless , the concept of a zone of peace continues to represent a potential significant area of shared interest between the ASEAN states and Vietnam and this ensures that it will remain on the agenda for both parties although the terminology they use and the objectives they pursue may differ .
7 It is inevitably highly selective , both in the Acts it covers and in what it includes from each Act .
8 Lydia was also faintly disgusted by tears , by the weakness they evinced and by the viscosity of their substance .
9 It becomes impossible to say which comes first : the attitudes we hold or what we experience .
10 When a respondent , in reply to the ‘ who am I ? ’ question of the Twenty Statements Test writes ‘ I am a man ’ , ‘ I am a student ’ … it is reasonable to believe that we have far more solid knowledge of the attitudes which organize and direct his behaviour than if , on a checklist and among other questions , we had asked ‘ do you think of yourself as a man ? ’
11 The housewife who knows that when her electric iron ceases to work she must replace the fuse ( let us say it is a cartridge fuse in a 13-amp plug ) is an empiricist .
12 Altering the look of a step can involve changing the time signature or tempo to which it is danced , the direction it takes or a change of épaulement , its quality and expressiveness , to name but a few .
13 Writing in the mid-1970s we suggested that ‘ one suspects that , in 1951 , it would be potentially more disturbing for the victim if the world knew she had been ‘ intimate ’ with her boyfriend than it would today .
14 To the sensor it appears that all the energy has been reflected from point P on the ground whereas , in fact , it has not , because some has been scattered within the atmosphere and has never reached the ground at all .
15 This points to the absence of reliable information ( beyond somewhat crude prevalence rates ) which indicate the circumstances in which the population of mentally handicapped people live and the support they receive and require .
16 Only by enabling those with disabilities to contribute , if they wish , through independent living and paid employment , will the increased percentage of ageing people be able to receive the support they expect and need .
17 Erm certainly I think all of our quarry , the quarry , I think we were overwhelmed with the support because it was really in our place that the dispute started and a lot of other people who I 'd spoken to you know they they were amazed at the support we received and , seemed to be the shyer the people you know the , some of the lads they never spoke much at lodge meetings , but after a while they 'd be getting up and saying their pieces and , you know I think it 's just because you knew you had backing , and people helping and urging you on , advising you , and the union helping and you know they leant over backwards in various fields to help us .
18 Between them they give their mother the support she needs since their father has had a stroke .
19 They can help you with your training needs your child care and your travel and they can also provide the support you need if you 're not confident about going back to learning .
20 The Convention of Scottish Local Authorities ' education committee opted not to continue the support it gave when the Government withdrew funding for Scotland 's only adult residential college in 1988 .
21 Now on the Friday , the eighteenth of October , er Peter telephoned the plaintiff 's home to speak to Mr erm but on this occasion he spoke to his assistant June and er , she was someone who at this stage was involved in the planning and the running of the business together with acting very much as his personal assistant and Mr had a conversation with June on the telephone in which he told her that he had received a letter from the solicitors which indicated that they had not yet , er , the landlords er licence to assign had not yet been given .
22 Just a month later however , this great work was threatened by an advertisement in the Mercury which stated that another plan of Manchester & Salford was to be on the market and carried out by J. Oldham .
23 He had given up lecturing in 1790 , apparently due to the angina which troubled and eventually killed him .
24 When you buy something from a shop , you have a contract with the retailer which means that the Sale of Goods Act 1979 covers your purchase and gives you certain statutory rights .
25 The experience of faith as it is lived by another people , another culture ; the enjoyment of celebrating fiestas ( and that includes the liturgy and the party afterwards ) with the people ; the experience of living amongst a people who never give up the struggle whatever happens and so challenge my own pettiness ; the graciousness of so many of them and the great welcome they gave us .
26 The writer who imagines that the novel is the most effective way of taking part in politics is usually a bad novelist , a bad journalist , and a bad politician .
27 The writer who feels that suspense is best suited to his or her talents would do well before setting out , however , to get it clear in his or her own head that suspense is what is to be produced and that the book contemplated will adopt this form , or formula , in preference to any other .
28 The auditors draw shareholders ' attention to notes to the accounts which state that they incorporate amounts derived from four subsidiaries placed into administrative receivership after the year end .
29 On Williams Holdings the Panel said : ‘ The Panel 's attention was drawn to Note 1 to the Accounts which indicates that exceptional items are reported net of tax and that earnings per share are shown before exceptional items on the consolidated profit and loss account .
30 Well you should save the programmes you recorded and watch them on a Saturday .
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