Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] if it " in BNC.

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1 That does not have to be decided in this case , nor is it necessary to consider what defences would be open to such a claim for recovery of the money paid if it lay .
2 Tropical aquarium favourites , such as guppies and swordtails , start to breed as soon as the days lengthen , while the sexual organs of the goldfish degenerate if it is kept in the dark .
3 Try out each of your jokes on someone who will not be at the wedding to see if it sounds funny the way you tell it .
4 ‘ We thought that Italians always tested the silver to see if it was real . ’
5 Nutty rode into the warehouse to see if it was ready , and Hoomey followed her , towing Bones , who was ready to go wherever the food sacks were going .
6 Never try to fit a line before you have plotted the data to see if it is a sensible thing to do .
7 So you can explain , if you do n't remember the car remember if it was a hatchback or a boot .
8 Your argument is tested in the plan to see if it is convincing .
9 Every time it rains you look out the window to see if it 's going to happen again .
10 When we got the rope tied across , Ivy my daughter , she walk across the ice to see if it hold her .
11 The Judge said if it had cost one penny more he would have been hanged .
12 Crunching riffs , frantic sneer , a sound so chewy that Rowntrees are currently sticking it under the microscope to see if it can be put into a crisp candy coat , and a bloody horrible noise it all is .
13 Critical consents are those which it is essential for the purchaser to obtain if it is to conduct the business after completion .
14 The multi-product firm might be awakened to the need to innovate if it finds its price-recovery margins being eroded .
15 Engineers from the DoT are to look at the southbound-only A1(M) and A66(M) interchange near the town to see if it can be adapted for northbound traffic .
16 When I opened the Bible to see if it was damaged , I found that wherever there was an empty page , or half a page , someone had written on it , and on the first page was written ‘ Catherine Earnshaw 's diary , 1776 ’ .
17 And then she 'd peep her head under the curtain to see if it had gone
18 And how dared he use such a method , and then have the gall to ask if it would have succeeded ?
19 Teacher : Jane , would you like to put it in the water to see if it will float ?
20 I mean they 've got the least amount of people that are there are so we 'll either that or the end of the day see if it does n't get banned , right ?
21 Once or twice when she crept down to the turn in the stairs to see if it was safe to go and get something to eat , she was scared back by the murmur of unfamiliar voices , and saw three or four bicycles parked in the hall , leaning together with their pedals tangled in each others ' spokes , forming an intricate barrier to outside .
22 It is clear that , within the framework of a dual-route model of spelling , phonological dysgraphia is the pattern you would expect if the non-lexical procedure for spelling is selectively damaged , and surface dysgraphia is the pattern expected if it is the lexical procedure for spelling that is the damaged one .
23 So if we could look at those things and talk to the Government to see if it 's possible , it maybe it is n't possible then that 's a different argument but we should be seen to be doing something er to let this die on it 's own will A , will deprive other people for odd jobs and in some cases I 've met the representation two guys there who used their redundancy money for Airways to purchase er a small aircraft and are running a flying school .
24 A Liberal Party spokesman refused to be drawn on the price the Government wanted if it had met the demands , saying that , since the deal fell through , it was hypothetical .
25 They were just poling away and Matt shouted ‘ Hey , fellers , cut ’ but they did n't take any notice and I remember thinking maybe they 're testing the rope to see if it works , and Matt and I turned at just the same moment and saw where the Indians were heading us — straight into a pile of rocks and foaming water — and I knew the rope must have broken or something .
26 The MP behind the bill says if it had been law then , her life would have been saved .
27 Flora sat in the kitchen , laboriously practising chain stitch on a rag torn from an old shirt of Peter 's , and Anna , who was in charge of the cleaning-rota , went off to the church to see if it actually had been cleaned .
28 I passed a telephone box — opened the door to see if it was vandalized or smelt of sick or dog-muck — it was OK .
29 The evidence you found may not on its own be inconsistent with the suicide theory , but just the same , it 's your duty to hand it over and let the police decide if it 's worth following up . ’
30 We try and look at the risk to see if it warrants an extra premium .
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