Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] it be " in BNC.

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1 Hence rather than simply investigate the ability of a tag to follow other tags , it also incorporates the ability of the tag to precede it 's successors .
2 His assistant , Tony Rogers , added : ‘ We did apologise to passengers and the majority accepted it was a case of high spirits . ’
3 Instead the majority said it was because there were simply not enough people in the family to increase their agricultural production .
4 The majority say it is the fault of a Weak Government which could not run a Whelk Stall .
5 The experts claim it 's not a vintage year , so the spotlight has shone firmly on the models .
6 2 So , we can suggest that the British constitution is what the experts say it is .
7 Afterwards the RSPCA said it was an approriate sentence .
8 Certainly the Pentagon knows it 's already under investigation , but Hawkins did n't want anyone to know that he was pointing fingers in certain directions .
9 The flyers claim it 's all for the disheartened clubber ; judging by the grins on the wall-clinging buddhas , faith is being restored .
10 Most of the issues and problems involved in the definition of democracy and in the struggle to achieve it are already clear in the experience of Greek democracy .
11 Under 5.1(12) , however , the election of a board member is not vitiated by a technical defect in the proceedings which has not prejudiced other interested parties in the election , and , under s.2(6) , the grant of a new licence is not to be objected to on the ground that any of the members of the board granting it were not qualified to grant the licence .
12 But far more volunteers are needed to help the hospice expand it 's reach .
13 Tonight the RAF said it was n't prepared to comment on speculation .
14 The RAF says it 's continuing tests and have decribed the helicopter as a ’ very reliable aircraft . ’
15 As the afternoon progressed it was apparent that any amateur who could play to his handicap in these conditions was going to do very well .
16 While ‘ justification ’ is the primary blessing it is not the highest blessing .
17 6–2- " That whilst under the Old Testament Instrumental Music was prescribed as part of the Temple service it was removed along with the other peculiarities of that service , under the new and more spiritual dispensation from which ritualistic and sensuous forms of worship were excluded ; that no Instrumental Music was prescribed or practised by Christ and his Apostles …
18 The brewery says it 's now found a buyer and the White Horse will stay in business .
19 As the brewery expanded it was rebuilt , taking in first of all , in 1889 , the old Lambeth Workhouse , and later the old Lambeth Town Hall .
20 ( c ) I do not think the Engdiv case , 1990 S.L.T. 617 assists Mr. Beazley , since both the pursuers seeking contribution and the defenders resisting it were parties to the building contract at issue in the case , so that it was difficult to resist the submission that the claim for contribution in that case was in a matter relating to a contract .
21 The officer in charge of the case says it was a highly significant find .
22 The officer in charge of the case says it was a highly significant find .
23 They said he understood the risks of the job but everyone on the case agrees it was a pointless killing .
24 The photographer thought it was a great prop but wanted David to hold it .
25 Although he was supposed to be in charge of the printing works it was the foreman , Mike Treloar , who ran it with Uncle keeping an eye on things and deciding policy .
26 Treasure and the maps to locate it are the stuff we dream of , whether the treasure be a golden Celtic torque or a Roman pottery shard is not as important , perhaps , as the quest and excitement of making the find .
27 The chairman said it was obvious that any English move to a voluntary co-operative would have irresistible implications for Scotland .
28 But the decision to use it was deliberate .
29 A correspondent of The Times thought it was ‘ like the first hearing of a great symphony ’ , and Harold Laski , never one to be outdone in either flattery or hyperbole , wrote to Baldwin that it was ‘ the greatest speech a Prime Minister has ever made ’ .
30 The planets insist it 's a wonderful week ahead .
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