Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] it [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 The prosecution says it belonged to Westmore James , the defence say it could have been owned by Ian Barnes and Westmore James had been acting inself defence .
2 First , those who come to the Park to enjoy it can not do so , because of all the traffic .
3 Further at this point , the writer thinks it may be expedient to include a paragraph on the subject of human ability to acquire and retain a faith , or religion .
4 ‘ When the product trades in the futures market it can be regulated by the CFTC , ’ suggested Mr Grundfest .
5 The RAF says it ca n't comment until a board of inquiry reports back .
6 Then the midwife decided it would be better to phone for an ambulance , but even as the student was phoning , she examined my again and told the student to fetch the delivery pack from the car .
7 Perhaps the Germans thought it would be less conspicuous on its own .
8 A railway hotel dinner in those days seems hardly to have been the dread experience it would be to-day .
9 Whilst this little lot may cost you a packet , your PC will become the all singing all dancing box the salesman claimed it would be .
10 The Chernobyl nuclear plant is now among the safest in the world and the decision to close it should be reversed , according to Ukraine 's Energy Minister Vilen Semenyuk .
11 The tiler said it could n't be done .
12 If it does go ahead the proposals to close it will be somewhat late so why do n't we look at them now .
13 The ministry says it will take this action under the 1854 Defence Act if the commoners — local residents — can not agree to relinquish rights which affect military installations .
14 The ministry says it will provide special funds to help fight the disease .
15 A spokesman for the ministry said it would continue consultation with Mother Catherine , and would be studying the papers submitted by the lawyers .
16 The DoE said it would be making a " robust reply " to the European Commission 's request for evidence that the directive was being applied .
17 The CAA believes it may well have been a 99p UFO Solar , and warns buyers to take note of Article 75 of the ANO which restricts captive balloon and kite-flying to a height of sixty metres agl and forbids it within five kilometres of an aerodrome .
18 3 But it also makes sense to say that the British constitution is what the authorities say it should be because their views on these matters help to police everyday political practice , pulling it into line with the constitutional theory which they themselves advance as the proper way to conduct politics .
19 Passengers on the 5.18pm train from Waterloo in London to Alton , Hampshire , were enraged when it stopped at Woking , Surrey , and the driver said it would not go further .
20 If the Government spends less than the budget says it would spend during the year , then it is obviously better off at the end of the year and can then spend more or repay borrowings or reduce taxes .
21 The association felt it could not undertake this work but would seek the help of the local Scouts .
22 The association felt it could not undertake this work but would seek the help of the local Scouts .
23 The association announced it would start work early next year on a purpose built home for 30 homeless youngsters .
24 After last year 's inaugural event was such a success , raising £4,000 , the association decided it should become an annual event .
25 I now feel as if I 'm in control and the intensity of the contraction seems to die away more quickly than the monitor suggests it should be .
26 The Logger 's already been adopted by most private operators and the manufacturers hope it 'll eventually be used by Council and Government watchdogs as well .
27 The industry said it would be preferable to leave it for up to a hundred years to allow its radioactivity to decay to a manageable level .
28 She climbed into the carriage knowing it would perhaps be for the last time ; maintaining the horses and the grooms was a luxury she would have to forgo .
29 Under the system of tenders , if the offer is rejected and is not beaten when the case goes to court , the side making it can recover expenses from the time it was put on the table .
30 This means that for the boom to continue it would be necessary to undertake capacity increasing investment , that is , increase the stock of fixed capital .
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