Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] it [coord] " in BNC.

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1 If the Legal Aid Board , as the only party adversely affected by the proposed order , has the opportunity to challenge it but decides not to do so , one may ask rhetorically what possible objection of substance there can be to the existing practice .
2 He says the men at the base enjoy it and they 're expecting forty to fifty thousand visitors .
3 The Hurricane lost it and flew round for five minutes , going down to 400 feet above the water to avoid appearing on the radar screens on nearby Italian-occupied islands .
4 Many respondents found the discussion paper 's proposals in this area confusing or illogical , which caused the Board to re-examine it and to propose requiring disclosure only of the total amounts of the respective kinds of interest in shareholders ' funds .
5 Well , CEEFAX says the board agreed it and Batty ‘ expressed a willingness to talk to Blackburn ’ .
6 Too often it is exported for foreign exchange while poor people without the money to buy it or the land to grow it go hungry : South Asia still contains the majority of the world 's ‘ absolute poor ’ .
7 erm Magistrates only send people to prison because they feel the circumstances of the case justify it and erm I think in the public mind erm the criticism is more often the reverse , that Magistrates are too soft , and I 've heard Lord Hailsham say more than once that if we do pay a price for the lay magistrate system it is leniency because what happens , and the difference between the lay magistrate system and the stipendiary system or the Crown Court system is that Magistrates do sit in threes , and what that tends to do is lead to compromises in sentence because discussion between three people irons out extreme views and you do tend to end up with a very well considered compromise view , which probably does tend to be more lenient than a sentence imposed by any one person who might himself take a very serious view of the circumstances .
8 Then , as your write a letter the computer interprets it and pops up the letter it thinks you have written .
9 I dashed into a record shop , begged a loan of the album , transferred it onto cassette in Dixon 's next door , sped back to the hall and managed to shove it into the system just as the chairman announced it and the audience was standing .
10 Silvikrin use a special blend of polymers in their Active Care styling range and explain that these polymers consist of string of carbon which link together to form a coating on the hair to protect it but will wash away easily so they do n't build up and dull shine .
11 I think of dashing off to the loo to drink it but I decide to wait .
12 Those operating an amplification system need to ensure that there is a proper balance between the sound of the musicians using it and those who speak on the church 's public address system , where there is one .
13 At least have the honesty to admit it and not to vote for an a management initiative that says we 're gon na become an enabling authority and then it subsequently to deny every single measure that will allow that to happen .
14 I think that is the case , doubly so considering the discussion yesterday where we saw , that whether some of the districts liked it or not there is going to be development in excess of the projected figures in their relevant districts over the plan period .
15 It was a real nice place two years ago ; nothing but luxury houses for the super-rich , but then the snakes bought it and they 've painted a big yellow cross on their runway .
16 The tentacles absorb it and so , in effect , they become gills .
17 The fans know it and it 's a joy to be involved . ’
18 Bevin was much concerned that the revolution of allied public feeling after Truman 's confused press statement of 30 November 1950 about the possible use of nuclear weapons in Korea had compelled the President to retract it and ‘ thus weakened the deterrent effect of our possession of the atomic weapon ’ .
19 The kids hate it but what can I do ?
20 She watched the way the wind filled it and felt the boat dig deeper into the water , moving under her like some wild creature straining against a leash .
21 I just sat there staring at the bag as it unscrewed itself and the wind took it and blew it up into the air and away .
22 As the days went by and the busy little transport box seemed to be making only slow way into the huge heap of lime , he no longer eased it out on the blade of the shovel for the wind to take it but scattered it anywhere out of sight , anywhere to be rid of it .
23 It had been impossible to wear the straw hat all morning because the wind caught it and pulled the chin-strap — improvised from a bootlace — into my neck .
24 The wind caught it and it bounced awkwardly for the St Aloysius defence and Roy Montgomery went in for a try under the posts which was converted by Ross Houghton .
25 It seems that the admission need not be an express one and that if , for instance , a plaintiff has pleaded a relevant conviction and the defendant admits it and does not claim that it was erroneous or irrelevant , the plaintiff should get his interim payment .
26 In my opinion the true themes of religion are being lost in all the disputes surrounding it and the fact the religion is a force for the good needs to promoted .
27 Do the Opposition favour it or reject it ?
28 The opposition get it and kick the ball back 50 yards .
29 And erm they 'd moved the kit , got the electricians to do it and it took , it took three fuses when they did it , I mean the extensions fused on that particular system , the data pairs fused
30 There are no words in any human language that can adequately describe the experience of ‘ seeing ’ something in this way — precisely because human beings do not have a holographic sense and so have never required the words to describe it nor the intellectual ability to be able to imagine it .
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