Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [verb] with it " in BNC.

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31 If the child plays with it and makes a mess , the parent should not be concerned but just clear up the mess afterwards .
32 Both the practice and the tensions associated with it were meticulously described by the American anthropologists Arensberg and Kimball .
33 Because of poor diet and the illnesses associated with it ‘ one in four of young men in Britain today will not draw their old age pension , likewise one in five women . ’
34 Only by propping it up , and cleaning it up ( and in the process uniting with it ) , was there any chance of stability .
35 Looking ahead , I suppose travel would be nice , if only the opportunity arose and I had the courage to go with it .
36 ‘ Anyway , the printing works and the business associated with it together with the residue of the estate after discharge of all debts and liabilities are left jointly to Beryl and Francis .
37 Because the status of women is inextricably linked to a complex politico-economic system , it , and the ideas connected with it , change in response to changes in the system as a whole .
38 The file brought with it a twinge of now familiar guilt ant a covering note from Army Intelligence : Will you please try and persuade the creepy-crawlies that we have neither the facilities nor any reason to investigate this lady 's apparent disappearance .
39 If she is a regular churchgoer her previous vicar , minister , priest or rabbi will probably have put her in touch with a place of worship near to your home , and whether you are churchgoers or not you should make every effort to enable her to remain active in church life and enjoy all the organisations connected with it , in which she will make friends .
40 Prices were allowed to rise unchecked , hitting the poor worst of all and adding thousands to their number ; parish relief , it was argued , would provide for the true paupers , and the rest would have to be satisfied with the temporary increase in employment which the war brought with it .
41 Also Virgin squeezes the Oratorio onto a single disc , although the Capriccio carries with it a welcome if hardly generous bonus in the shape of the Easter Cantata Wq244 .
42 Then the anger faded away and the desire died with it .
43 Evacuation , and the revelations associated with it , ‘ dominated social policy for at least the first nine months of the war ’ and ‘ aroused the conscience of the nation ’ , leading to a much wider debate on the condition of the people .
44 In official pronouncements there is none of the reluctance found in Britain to acknowledge the existence of a problem and the need to deal with it .
45 This may result in its greater toleration in the spouse ; but if the tolerance does not exist , the increasing ease of separation and divorce mean that the need to live with it for social or economic reasons is reduced .
46 A universal set of features is an attractive idea , but the price one pays is that each feature has to do many jobs , and the meaning associated with it gets spread thinner and thinner , like a small amount of butter on a large amount of bread .
47 one which does not exclude the bailor from possession , an action for conversion against a third person is maintainable by either bailor or bailee ; by the bailee because he is in possession , by the bailor because it is said that his title to the goods draws with it the right to possession , that the bailee is something like his servant and that the possession of the one is equivalent to that of the other .
48 Okay , so yes , it can be altered but we would want , more than likely , the underwriting to go with it .
49 But old age itself is not a disease , and many of the conditions associated with it are neither inevitable nor universal .
50 Melanie Henwood in her chapter on healthcare emphasises that old age itself is not a disease and that many of the conditions associated with it are neither inevitable or universal .
51 To judge from the pottery found with it , the famous Phaistos Disc dates to about 1700 BC .
52 In this process , the tentacles serve another and important function , for the water brings with it dissolved oxygen which Lingula needs in order to respire .
53 ‘ We 've experimented with angle grinders , jack hammers and breaking tellies before in Germany , but sometimes when you turn on 1,000-watt machinery of destruction all the lights go with it ! ’
54 What sets the experience of REM sleep apart is the vividness of the visual imagery and the generally more compelling quality of the dreams associated with it .
55 For James 's saying was first recorded by John Knox , in the version ‘ The devil go with it !
56 The Scandinavians in general have a much more open view of sex and the problems associated with it and have a less punitive approach than is seen in other countries .
57 In the period after 1945 planning was one mechanism used by governments as a substitute for market decision-making and Sartori analyses some of the problems associated with it .
58 because validity of the section fourteen is the question for ultimate trial , we 're not seeking interim relief against that , we have n't done that my Lord that in our submission is the highest and the best that they could achieve erm properly erm which was to avoid a stay on a reference and they could then continue with the proceedings rather than be put off for a , a very , you know what maybe a year and a half , er if the court dealt with it in the normal way , or perhaps even a little bit longer , erm , but to actually go to further than that and to deny the defendant the right to put up a , a proper E E C defence , my Lord in my submission would be erm without the jurisdiction of the court .
59 If sleep is taken at an unusual time , the changes associated with it ( the release of some hormones , the type of sleep ) will be affected to different extents depending on whether they are dominated by external factors or the body clock .
60 One of the accused withdrew his appeal , the other proceeded with it .
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