Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adj] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 It is not that they are less likely to be murdered , raped , robbed , or assaulted — although the best scientific evidence based on victimization surveys shows this to be true ( Hindelang , Gottfredson , and Garofalo 1978 ) — but that in the criminal law , definitions of murder , rape , robbery , assault , theft , and other serious crimes are so constructed as to exclude many similar , and in important respects , identical acts , and these are just the acts likely to be committed more frequently by powerful individuals .
2 ‘ I do not think that you will find the Prince overjoyed to be reminded of his presence here , ’ said Auguste .
3 The difficulty will be to find specialists who know enough about the groups concerned to be able to single out the new one .
4 The group predicted the poor trading conditions would continue with full-year profits in the division likely to be significantly lower than the previous year .
5 It is then a case of a quick action to slide the tool forward slightly so that the next loop slides behind the latch ready to be caught down securely with your thumb again .
6 From Glarus a canton shut in by mountains on three sides a circular return to Schwyz by train is possible , or by postbus to Altdorf or Fluelen via the Klausen Pass , the reverse of the route next to be described .
7 replaced the catch-all provisions of the 1911 Official Secrets Act with narrower offences depending on specific tests of the harm likely to be caused by disclosure , while giving special protection to vital information relating to our national security ;
8 Although the fighting effectively ceased in 1297 , peace was not established until 1303 , when the duchy was returned and the status quo of 1294 was restored , Edward agreeing to marry his heir , the Edward II to be , to Isabella , daughter of the French king .
9 If the withholding of manifestations of parental love is used as a first measure of initial disciplining , then it must be remembered that the measure of the distress necessary to be imposed , need be very small indeed if the imposition is started early enough .
10 What are the farmers in the drawing likely to be saying to one another when they meet at market ?
11 Whatever the future pattern of health care in London , it must make adequate provision for the demands likely to be made in the immediate future .
12 In May 1991 Defence Minister Villiger announced plans to cut the reserves available to be mobilized from 600,000 to 400,000 .
13 The purpose of the Monday morning assembly was to meet the Director of the week , his team of assistants , and to read through the script of the episode due to be recorded that Friday .
14 Is the recipient likely to be able to purchase the goods ?
15 Is the sponge supposed to be out here ?
16 Although our understanding is far from complete , there are many valuable pointers to the elements likely to be necessary in effective prevention .
17 This tended to give a certain bias to the work likely to be found in schools , especially as the coterie of advisers who knew each other 's work well , often teaching on each other 's courses and jointly helping to tutor the national D.E.S .
18 It is important for the patient to be aware of the limitations likely to be caused by his spasticity .
19 Whether they will feel as enthusiastic after being deluged for three weeks with the results of the £30m-plus likely to be spent by the main parties is more questionable .
20 ( g ) How far is the passage supposed to be realistic ?
21 The club have been invited to join some of rugby 's elite in the Dubai Sevens to be held on November 19 and 20 when they will face one of the toughest rugby sevens line-ups ever assembled .
22 The illustrations are not meant to be accurate — for use as maps — but they succeed brilliantly as indicators of the terrain likely to be found on these walks .
23 It warns that unless the Government changes policy , the housing slump will continue until 1994 — with the South continuing to be worst hit .
24 It is not surprising , then , that this particular set of objections to the implementation of the Delors Plan has received little attention even in the countries likely to be most affected .
25 Earlier in the day , Jeffrey had been far from happy to learn that the Scotland seven to be chosen from a pool of ten — Hong Kong have increased from nine to remain consistent with the World Cup format — would have around five hours between their ties tomorrow .
26 The graphics test showed the DeskJet Portable to be competent , but no more .
27 Because of the variable nature of the factors contributing to manoeuvre-induced instrument errors , it is not possible to give positive guidance as to the magnitude — or even sense — of the errors likely to be encountered during a given manoeuvre .
28 In particular , he was warned of the errors likely to be associated with naive projections of past accounting profit calculations , whether based upon historic or upon current costs .
29 A less arbitrary and more realistic basis for limitation of volume would perhaps be provided by the areas able to be covered by each type of installation of protective system , or multiples of such systems .
30 8. is the outcome likely to be beneficial — producing creative consequences ?
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