Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [adj] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Lay the curtain out flat with the interlining uppermost and apply the hemmed lining to it in the same way as for Lined Curtains , but lockstitching along the same lines as the interlining and along all seams .
2 Freud did n't go to one extreme or the other , he did n't go to the Hobbes extreme and say there is no good in us you know , we 're just anti-social egoists , although he did know that was true of the id .
3 The chances are that any LSE owner would have an appropriate button fitted as soon as possible , so if Lowden themselves fitted them , making sure the job was done elegantly , that would keep the guitar original and prevent any screw-ups by those amateur guitar repairers who 've never heard of pilot-holes …
4 ‘ Once again I bought the suite first and decided to decorate the room around it , this time taking birds and blue as my themes . ’
5 I bought the suite first and decided to decorate the room around it
6 ‘ I bought the suite first and decorated the room around the colours of the fabric , using pinks and blues , ’ explains Geoff .
7 These are wrapped multifilaments , such as the Prince Synthetic and Babolat Fine Play .
8 Despite warnings of impenetrable ice , the crew of Knox-Johnston 's boat , the Suhaili , found the fjord clear and continued up the more problematic Watkins Fjord , dodging icebergs to reach the starting point for the climbing section of the expedition .
9 This proposal aroused very considerable opposition from many of the institutions concerned and NAB itself made a reasoned case for some amendment , which appears to have made some impact .
10 I turned the VW round and pulled up where Signe was standing .
11 Blu-tak can be used to hold the l.e.d. steady whilst soldering .
12 and then in the afternoon those that went round Cadburys are going round Rovers , and those that went round Rovers are going round Cadburys
13 These have grown as the department has increased the money available and introduced more support schemes .
14 She submitted there was no other appropriate or fair way for the Secretary of State to deal with the case other than to allow Doherty at least an oral hearing or written representation .
15 The idea is to make the text clearer and help advisers who use the book by improving the layout .
16 A. The structure of the VZV genome with the repeated sequences shown as boxes and the positions of the ORF 62 and ORF 71 marked in the short repeats .
17 There was no water-borne sanitation , and every other day Tidey and I had to empty the few sanitary buckets , burying their contents in holes dug in the garden , as well as trying to keep the houses clean and collecting fruit and vegetables .
18 Those with a recent interest in politics , who found the election interesting but did not have a general interest in politics at other times , gave PEBs high ratings for usefulness on leaders , issues , and voting choice .
19 When it 's as warm as it is tonight , you 'll be able to leave the hatch open and imagine yourselves in the heart of Venice . "
20 Toshiba will invest some $90m this fiscal year to raise output to 100,000 a month from the present 30,000 and raise yields to 80% from the present 60% .
21 or , or paying the bit extra and have it double glazed .
22 David Tagg at Grand Metropolitan , the drinks , hotels , brewing , retailing and food-producing giant ranking number 10 in The Times 1000 and employing nearly 150 000 , spoke cheerfully of his general liking of headhunters .
23 The successfully transformed supermarket chain and multiple retailer Tesco — ranked 22 in The Times 1000 and employing 71 000 — similarly described headhunters as good servants but bad masters : their work should be closely defined and controlled by the client .
24 But you may not actually learn much , simply because the main object of the group will not be to help you but to get on and do the play , relying on the skills available and hoping that the audience will give adequate support .
25 So , to get the exposure right and get the the whole thing right throughout is , is not an easy task to do .
26 By now , not only were many of the Hurricanes tired and scarred , but the pilots themselves were tired .
27 Study the route first when going by train ; check the time at which you should arrive at various stations and the time of arrival at destination .
28 You can either perform the story live or record it on a cassette-recorder .
29 The southern Swedish Red Polled variety is similar to Norway 's Red Polled Østland and the West Finnish and has suffered badly from competition from the SRB and the SLB .
30 While the West recovered and prospered , the peoples of the Soviet Union were left with another four decades of dictatorship .
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