Example sentences of "[art] [noun] [noun] [Wh adv] the " in BNC.

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1 But the attack on Mrs Vickerman 's car was the latest in a series in the Middlesbrough area where the sole occupant was a woman .
2 The Foreign Office and the Ministry of Defence were acutely aware that the Republic of South Africa is the sole stable country in Africa ; that its government is opposed to the increasing presence of the USSR and China in Africa and that it controls the sea route to the Indian Ocean where the USSR has mounted a powerful naval challenge .
3 The two-way , interactive nature of Prestel has been shown above in the case studies where the Mailbox facilities were used to obtain information and learning materials .
4 At the end of the Mass there is a touching prayer as men go out into the world linking the sacrament of the one bread which binds all men in God with the bread and ale of human meeting : In the bidding prayers where the priest directs the people to pray and tells them what to pray for , probably after the offering and the anthem , again attention is directed to all estates of society , living and dead , including religious , both monastic and secular .
5 ( The floods , incidentally , are increasingly catastrophic because of the poor or non-existent conservation policy in the catchment areas where the forests have been recklessly and wantonly felled .
6 Miss C. Page has done a very intensive survey on a section of the Sussex coast where the dog-whelk Dog-whelks : an introduction to the biology of Nuce1la lapillus ( L ) enclaves have both numerical and inversion polymorphisms simultaneously .
7 It was only in the typesetting world where the relentless march of Adobe was held back .
8 In its first annual report , it pointed to the difficulties in some areas particularly in the south-east and the west midlands where the available land was limited to only a few years ' supply .
9 The induction in the core is magnified by the high permeability , except in the saturation regions where the result can be seen to be a trapezoidal induction waveform ( Fig. 3 ) .
10 An eruption of violent anti-Israeli protest spread throughout the Gaza Strip where the Arab victims lived .
11 Hardly had the King reached Balmoral on the Saturday morning when the Prime Minister sent a message that it might after all be necessary for him to return to London .
12 Modern techniques of communication have intensified the demonstration effect whereby the practices and beliefs of one society are introduced to other societies and have increased the speed with which consumption patterns common to one socio-cultural grouping spread to all corners of the world .
13 Sequencing is at its most important in the interview situation where the respondent can not ‘ look ahead ’ ; but , whatever the method of data collection , it is sound policy for questionnaire designers to give some thought to this aspect both to clarify their own thinking and to simplify the respondent 's task .
14 Cabin air goes through the wheel wells when the gear is down , through a heat exchanger to wing fuel when aloft .
15 In particular , the statute does not incorporate the review procedures whereby the Home Secretary reviewed police warrants every month and security warrants every six months .
16 Specially in the spring time when the azaleas are out and that .
17 To ensure that each household was in a position to meet its obligations , the practice spread whereby the land was periodically redistributed among the villagers .
18 Not only are there problems in making relevance judgments on surrogate documents , i.e. , titles of books ; but also the interactive nature of the search process whereby the query may be reformulated makes it very difficult to see how recall can be applied .
19 The Party conference would rise to its climax on the Friday afternoon when the Leader spoke .
20 The recesses in the pillbox floors where the guns would have fitted are still there today .
21 He drove them to fields in the Derbyshire countryside where the offences took place .
22 It was my lot to live on the desert fringes where the rubbish lay .
23 Major demonstrations , not only outside the council offices where the charges were being debated and fixed but also in some cases involving violence within the council chambers themselves , occurred in particular over the period March 5-12 as councils took their final decisions .
24 In places there are gravel deposits — ; small smoothly rounded pebbles and sand — usually on the insides of the meander curves where the water flows less swiftly .
25 And the light room the machine case where the machine for revolving the five the lens which er weighed about five tons and there were this machine revolved the lens and it was machine was solid brass erm just which had to be polished e e every week and er oh beautiful brass polished brass and nobody ever saw these things you know except maybe the commissioners when they came round no no visitors there .
26 I record the backlight areas where the light breaks through the dense greenery with a thicker-than-usual mixture of cadmium yellow and a touch of sap green .
27 I record the backlight areas where the light breaks through the dense greenery with a thicker-than-usual mixture of cadmium yellow and a touch of sap green .
28 Penfold 's , one of Australia 's leading producers , produce this sparkling wine using the transfer method whereby the second fermentation takes place in bottle , like the methode champenoise .
29 They were standing by the desk in the library , where Theda had been going over the household accounts when the lawyer arrived , Hector , his wound still troublesome , laying at her feet .
30 The turbine will run mainly during the winter months when the heavy rainfalls in the area ensure an abundance of fast flowing water , and it is hoped that electricity generation will start in 1991 .
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