Example sentences of "[prep] long [noun sg] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 It was the chief centre of long distance pilgrimage in western Europe — and even Compostela and St James could never quite compete with Peter and Paul in Rome .
2 Because of the spectacular growth in provision the number of long stay beds in the private and voluntary sectors now dwarfs the number available for long term care in the NHS .
3 There is a perception amongst informed people in the community that there may well be a shortage of long stay beds in Leicestershire and you do need to bear in mind that the National Health Service is increasingly going down the road of not keeping people in hospitals longer than they have to because hospitals are perceived as being very , a very expensive way of providing beds and you have to take that into account because that 's a fairly clear national policy and you are likely to see an acceleration in that process from what I read in the national press .
4 In May he took his protest to the rooftop of Long Lartin prison in Worcesterhsire .
5 It is really , it 's a philosophy , is n't it , over the last how many years , you do n't have this philosophy , about being in fear of long term debt in in this authority .
6 The greater absolute numbers of elderly people have been absorbed by the growing private sector despite a simultaneous collapse of long term provision in the NHS , and this has been widely attributed to the impact of the central government funding system for private residential care .
7 Be that as it may , the potential advantages of long term care in a high quality private sector are considerable , particularly as this sector offers old people and their families wider choice than the public sector .
8 A. human bone from Turkey buried in alkaline soil with scrub oak vegetation , showing extensive root marks that have coalesced to give an appearance of surface corrosion ; B. sheep bone from stream ( pH 5.4 ) in Wales showing the result of long term immersion in water , with breakdown of the surface structure of the bone and formation of large scale pitting ; C. bovid bone from Tanzania which was buried in the floor of a hyaena den and subjected to trampling and decay from urine and organic acids , destructuring the surface leaving large scale pits and occasional islands of unaltered surface bone ; D. horse bone from Sphagnum bog in Dartmoor ( pH 3.5 ) showing acid etching of the bone producing pitting following and enlarging original structures in the bone .
9 You have two good options for long range artillery in the form of Orc Rock Lobbers and Goblin Doom Divers .
10 The term programming is used for long term changes in the body 's structure , physiology , or metabolism brought about by environmental influences acting at critical stages of early life .
11 To achieve this high priority is being given to the development of domiciliary provision and the encouragement of measures designed to prevent or postpone the need for long term care in hospital or residential homes .
12 Because of the spectacular growth in provision the number of long stay beds in the private and voluntary sectors now dwarfs the number available for long term care in the NHS .
13 Often the policies of individual railway companies determined what happened As Professor Simmonds has pointed out the Great Western was mainly concerned with long distance traffic in its early years .
14 The founding fathers of capitalist enterprise in south-western Germany were not always rich , but the number of those with long family experience in business , and often in the industries they were to develop , is significant : Swiss-Alsatian Protestants like the Koechlin , Geigy or Sarrasin , Jews grown up in the finance of small princelings , rather than technically innovating craftsmen-entrepreneurs .
15 The company says it has been able to generate high levels of repeat income from long term contracts in the financial services area and is keen to collaborate with other suppliers to expand its service and product range .
16 A number of people have already been sentenced to long prison terms in connection with the robbery .
17 And there was a warning of the effect proposed cuts in British aid would have on long term projects in the third world …
18 I am bowled over by my first day at school ; there are scores of us sitting at long bench desks in a vast wooden hut .
19 Michael Shirley , a former Royal Navy sailor , is serving a life sentence at Long Lartin Prison in Worcestershire for the killing of a barmaid six years ago .
20 Michael Shirley , a former Royal Navy sailor , is serving a life sentence at Long Lartin Prison in Worcestershire for the killing of a barmaid six years ago .
21 Thirty prisoners at Long Lartin jail in Worcestershire refused to return to their cells until they had seen in 1992 .
22 Tomorrow the agenda focuses specifically on violence in prisons , something that 's been a problem at Long Lartin jail in Worcestershire where prison officers have been the subject of attacks by prisoners in recent months .
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