Example sentences of "[prep] something that [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Choose one of the beginnings that reminds you of something that happened to you .
2 I mean , for instance , in my dreams er cars have taken on a very distinct personal symbolism that has really nothing to do with what you might think , because of personal experiences of mine , and I now know that whenever I dream about cars it always always has this but that 's because of something that happened to me and because of my personal erm kind of experiences , so cars have become a dream symbol .
3 Now a day 's residue is some association which relates the manifest content usually to what happened to you that day , and often i they 're very oft it 's often that the day 's residue is built into the manifest dream , so it 's quite obvious , you had this dream because of something that happened to you on that day .
4 Malengin , however , did not answer , but offered Cleo and Dauntless two stained cracked mugs filled with something that appeared to be heated pond water .
5 All too easily , if you pin the whole plot on something that seems to you a tremendous novelty , you can find that some writer you have n't happened to read has had much the same idea before you .
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