Example sentences of "[prep] where [pers pn] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 She made her leisurely way towards where she had told Alexander to be .
2 Towards where she 'd removed to .
3 Loosen the grub screws and carefully ease out the cables , taking careful note of where they 've come from , and which wires are grouped together .
4 Most of the emigres who had joined the Domanov Cossacks during their time in Byelorussia in 1943–4 might strictly speaking have been included as Soviet Nationals under this definition , since at the time of " joining a formation fighting with the German forces " they would have been " living within the 1938 boundary of the USSR " , regardless of where they had lived before .
5 She cursed herself for stating the obvious , wished she had taken more note of where they had brought her .
6 The Pole Star and the Southern Cross gave early sailors some idea of where they had come from and the direction they needed to take .
7 bits of where we 'd lived were scattered
8 Both features resembled their names to a baffling degree but , despite this , Abu was moved to expound upon them with such fervent body language that we nearly plunged into the ravine and terminated our lives at the very lip of the sacred symbol of where we had begun it .
9 Although we did not appear to have a direct hit in any vital part ( and the engines were spared ) as soon as we dropped our bombs , and the photo-flash meant we had a picture of where we had left our load , we turned for home .
10 We hope we will be able to take new proposals to Potter Street on the second of November if nothing else , we will certainly take them an honest indication of where we 've got to so far and what proposals will be taking place , and what we will be proposing erm for the future .
11 well that 's , that 's right , you 're quite right Mr that 's why I then , I then put Mr points in the context of where we 've got
12 So let us take stock of where we have reached so far in our analysis of the Lucas business cycle model .
13 Really one of the things at the examples of where it 's happened in the past .
14 Er traffic is spread around er in that the area is divided into a number of zones , so when you talk about er shortest route and all traffic being assigned , then certainly in terms of the a lot of the local traffic and the through traffic in terms of where it 's loaded into the model , each individual journey between A and B between each zone A and each zone B is loaded onto its shortest point .
15 Under normal circumstances , with the dog running free , you may not even be aware of where it has defecated in undergrowth .
16 So if you wanted to look for example , at hesitations , and try to do an analysis of where he had hesitated and why he hesitated , who hesitates more than others .
17 He explained that he was training to be a teacher in Bechar , a large town a little north of where I had begun walking .
18 Like where they 've done that yep that it ?
19 Like where I 'd seen the bartender before .
20 Well , certainly people are satisfied with where we 've got to and want to draw a line underneath it and move on from there , and I think the prospect of going back to the constitution er issues , and they m once again being a key focus , I do n't think anyone in the Party , or outside the Party , sees the Labour Party wanting to devote itself to that at this time .
21 it 's not pronounced in mine , but , some er they say that with where it 's gone away , you know , there 's all sorts of things that can prove it I mean the obvious thing is we came from somewhere did n't we ? , we did n't just drop here with a flash of light and er they 've studied plants and other animals and they evolved .
22 The children persisted with the same piece of writing from week to week , taking up from where they had left off usually without a murmur .
23 I sorted out old toys into boxes , got a few rolls of carpet and wallpaper back into their places from where they 'd fallen , pinned a couple of maps back on to the sloping wooden under-roof , cleared away some of the tools and bits and pieces that I 'd used to repair the Factory , and loaded the various sections of the Factory that needed to be loaded .
24 It was six years since she 'd crossed the bridge from where they 'd stood , and the river that flowed between was a torrent .
25 So there again perhaps try and find somebody who 's from where they 've said they 're from and they might be ticking this box you know .
26 My own tears , hot noisy gulping that burns and blotches , that neither you nor any of the women in the group is going to offer to staunch , tears of anger for myself and all of us , anger with the women in the group for making me face up to what I 'm doing to you , for making me want to take out those dusty bundles of old stories from where they 've lain for my lifetime tied up with pink ribbon and reread them and throw them away .
27 When J. came back from his course , we simply carried on from where we had left off .
28 Boys and old men drove donkeys , which carried baskets of sand from where it had blown into the town at one end , to be taken off by the wind at the other .
29 Then he reached out and drew the hair back from where it had fallen across her face .
30 She was wasting her time ; without knowing exactly where it had been lying , there was no means of identifying the spot from where it had fallen .
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