Example sentences of "[prep] where i [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 He explained that he was training to be a teacher in Bechar , a large town a little north of where I had begun walking .
2 Like where I 'd seen the bartender before .
3 I would like to travel to Barbados as it would be completely different from where I 've lived before .
4 You , you carry on from where I 've left off .
5 I retrieved my stash from where I 'd taped it under the steering column and my cigarettes and green Rizla papers from the dashboard .
6 For answer , I picked up the newspaper from where I 'd thrown it on the desk .
7 And when morning came I found I was n't half a mile from where I 'd started .
8 I was confused and still worried that there might be horses and that I had not changed my bloomers which were wet from where I had fallen in the icy fish .
9 ‘ I had scaled magic heights and found obscurantism , absence of hope , a world infinitely darker than I had ever imagined possible from where I had stood in the Gorbals . ’
10 My passport was wet and creased from where I had lain on it all night ; but it was there .
11 The funny thing was this happened yards from where I had had a very bad motorcycle crash ten years before .
12 We would pick up supplies and I would continue with the wheelbarrow from where I had left off .
13 He ambled over to the nearest tree — happily some metres from where I stood hidden , and turned towards the tower .
14 Could I please draw attention er you already chairman have , but it 's important from where I stand to draw attention to the words of the second criterion of the P P G. Which says that the proposal is a clear expression of local preference supported by the local planning authorities .
15 One day in the early autumn of my lower-sixth-form year , when the damp leaves were already furring the grassy median strips that cleaved the dual carriageways surrounding Varndean Grammar , I saw a familiar figure from where I sat reading in the school library .
16 The fire had died to cold ashes , but I felt my way to where I had seen a candlestick , left ready on the mantelpiece , presumably as insurance against just this event .
17 Then I started the engine and drove back to where I had seen the Pan-Am Norte sign .
18 On the third day , I was marched before a prison officer , who perfunctorily asked me my name and address , and if I would confess to where I had concealed the body of Victor Frankenstein .
19 In spite of my difficulties , all the officers and men showed great kindness and patience ; except for one Australian officer who did not disguise the fact that he would have been only too happy to send me back to where I had come from .
20 I looked to where I had slept .
21 Sam came with me to where I 'd parked Tremayne 's car on stone-strewn grass .
22 I went out to where I 'd parked my car .
23 I hurried round the corner to where I 'd parked Armstrong and climbed aboard .
24 Then she got a brand new Ford Fiesta out of the garage and drove me back to where I 'd left Armstrong in Leytonstone .
25 The example may be inspiring , but I need a new ‘ me ’ to get to where I want to go .
26 You 're going up two squares at a time and you 're going one two three and it 's usually when you get to around where I tend to do it is erm sort of eight and ten .
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