Example sentences of "[prep] as [det] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The little history of the period that has survived is an invaluable asset , but there are great dangers in using archaeological data to elucidate chronologically-based historical problems when the span of as little as a generation is so crucial .
2 After an incision through the skin of as little as a centimetre long , a device known as an ultrasound probe and laser fibres are inserted directly into the centre of the tumour .
3 To become a sensory square it can need a reduction of as much as a twentieth in its height .
4 Although it would be a tough year for sure , revenue was not dropping anything like as much as the bookings percentage .
5 She would cut off her right arm and give it to him if he came over with as much as a single bag .
6 Some villages — such as Little Gaddesden in Hertfordshire — were totally wiped out , whilst others were very badly hit , with as much as a third of the population dying .
7 Each year the west monsoon would bring a fleet from Makassar , each prahu bristling with as many as a hundred warriors .
8 However there are many less ambitious preservation projects which would be possible with as few as a dozen determined people and not too expensive .
9 This gives a jumble of echoes that will sometimes persist for as much as a few seconds after the original sound has ceased .
10 Because it 's been linked to so many other illnesses like heart disease and ulcers , stress is thought to indirectly account for as much as a third of all U S health-care costs .
11 Although I could n't wait to leave school once and for all so I could join Granpa permanently , if I ever played truant for as much as an hour he would n't take me to watch West Ham on Saturday afternoon or , worse , he 'd stop me selling on the barrow in the morning .
12 Attitude is never going to count for as much as the Gift — the untranscribable charisma , the arbitrary aura , the unequally-bestowed vocal magic that no amount of homework or calculation can procure .
13 Assessment would include major group projects , in which the conduct of the project would count for as much as the end product , as well as written examinations .
14 For as little as a copper coin , I will utter a howl guaranteed to wake the dead . ’
15 EC beef exported to west Africa sells for as little as a quarter of the price shoppers in Britain must pay .
16 They borrow from the banks for as little as a few hours ' notice of recall by the banks ( money at call ) , and lend to the government , local authorities and firms for typically three months ( bills of exchange ) .
17 He tapped in the code , then waited , knowing the signal was being scrambled through as many as a dozen sub-routes before it got to its destination .
18 We suggest that six is about as many as an observer can cope with .
19 They should n't drive so fast because their car is n't worth as much as a child 's life .
20 However , this would not have been worth as much as the Guardian payout to the average investor .
21 In this way , in as little as a hundred years , Africa 's doubts about herself — now so prevalent — may finally be removed .
22 More massive stars would need to be hotter to balance their stronger gravitational attraction , making the nuclear fusion reactions proceed so much more rapidly that they would use up their hydrogen in as little as a hundred million years .
23 A 2.25 cu m ( 500 gallon ) cesspool could fill up in as little as a week with a family of four living in the house ; a 18 cu m cesspool would last for at least a month and is the minimum size recommended .
24 In retrospect , this was a highly creative period , when the politics of urban changes were very much in flux ( McKay and Cox , 1979 ) ; the initiatives were largely ineffective except in as much that the period paved the way for the legislation , and the further , more focused action , that followed .
25 That is not correct in as much as every individual officer was tasked to an individual action and therefore there was no need to come into that bedroom the area er if they 'd have heard shouting or whatever in that bedroom they would have known not to come into that area because there was obviously a threat in there .
26 In as much as a school can be said to have an approach ( eg formal , informal , team taught , class or group based , or one where streaming and setting or vertical or horizontal grouping is practised ) , the degree to which members of staff conform to it very much depends on how the school is led .
27 Thus the project wishes to focus on additiorial areas of injury including , managerial strategies , that is , the methods used to communicate the goals of the enterprise to the workforce ; the work process , that is , the distribution of power and authority in the workplace and the divisions of the workers on the basis of income and status ; migration , that is , the study of worker satisfaction , in as much as a stable working population is an indication of employee loyalty ; ethnic and religious divisions , that is , whether religion and nationality was used to divide workers by allocating jobs on the basis of these factors ; and , lastly , women and trade unionism , that is , the degree of workers ' identification with an alternative loyalty structure to that of the enterprise .
28 In as much as the purpose of the trials is to establish the suitability of a package of products , used for maintenance rather than remedial cleaning , it may also be necessary to arrange for a ‘ deep clean ’ prior to the trial otherwise the results may be distorted .
29 Regardless of the wide use of acupuncture and BEM , hard-nosed sceptics still insist that such methods are entirely placebo oriented , in as much as the patient 's belief that they work effects the cure .
30 Higgenbottam ( 1973 ) obtained comparable results in as much as the greatest RVF superiority was shown by his familial compared with non-familial sinistrals .
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